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Die Sprache des Wrestlings writes

Die Sprache des Wrestlings writes

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Beim Wrestling is behind me Move and jeder Storyline in one sentence. Yesterday if Begriffe, the man braucht, uh im Wrestling-Talk nicht auszusehen wie a Jobber!

Wrestling is much more than men and women in schillernden outfits, who are also across the ring. This is a real sports, entertainment and theater company – with just one clean phrase, which for new linens is often used as a Geheimer code. Ask yourself how to “Kayfabe” or “Heel” for the man in general, was it really necessary to do it? Keine Sorge, here we have the Wrestling-Begriffe wichtigsten erklärt, damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind, wenn der nächste Wrestling-Abend ansteht.

Die Sprache des Wrestlings writes
Wrestling 101: This person is someone who is an expert in Ring-Talk © IMAGO / Imagn Images

1. Kayfabe – The Great Illusion

Kayfabe is one of the biggest names in wrestling. It was the wrestler and promoter who designed the Storylines to really do this. Yes, the Undertaker is a master – turns out Solange takes the camera. Was behind the Kulissen passiert, bleibt natürlich ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis.

2. Talon – Der Bösewicht vom Dienst

Ein Heel is the wrestler, the man so rich assen soll. They are arrogant, unfair and indifferent to the rules. Ohne einen guten Heel wäre Wrestling nur Halb so spannend. When a heel is strong, the public and the Palme zu bringen, hater seinen Job perfect gemacht.

3. Face – Der Gute mit dem Siegerlächeln

Ein Face ist der Held der Geschichte. It is aimed at the entrepreneurship, the kämpft fair and the fans who are on this page. Gute Faces is charismatic and schaffen es, the public on his page zu ziehen – manchmal auf fast übertrieben freundliche Weise. If you are already in this position, the man also has the opportunity to play sports games. What if the Wrestling-Größen der 90er? See if it’s a quiz!

4. Promo – Worte, die weh tun

A promoter is a response, between the wrestler and Gegner’s verbal men or fans within the promotion. I want a promotion, to increase the Hype in a perfect match. When an audience heel has been provoked, the man has nothing to do with the person – he is for show.

5. Jobber – The new Verlierer

A Jobber is a wrestler, of whom he is a fighter, and who knows what to do. Jobber sets up a quick immersion and shows the Stars of the Show. However, the big name of Wrestling is not so heavily influenced.

6. Botch – The Peinlich Fehler

A Botch was the victim of a missed move or a scene, which was not performed with a functional function. The Manche Botches are legendary, and another man is still angry. It turns out that the wrestler has never been a professional and is not indifferent.

7. Tag Team – It’s okay, but it’s just okay

A Tag Team is best for two wrestlers, who engage in a tough match. Nur der eingewechselte Partner darf officiall zuschlagen – Regeln, die besonders Heel-Teams gerne ignorieren. This is a question that expands when the “Hot Tag” is available and the audience is rich.

8. Finisher – Der letzte Schlag

A finisher is the most complete move with a wrestler in the match. For a Stone Cold Stunner or RKO – these moves are often legendary and suited to the Hall’s most powerful reactions. Wenn ein Finisher ausgepackt wird, weiß man: Das Ende naht.

9. No-Sell – When Nothing Gets Done

Beim No-Sell ignores a wrestler in a move, and he is also angry at a wrestler. It is zeigt Starke and Überlegenheit, sollte aber sparsam eingesetzt werden. A certain No-Sell, in a Move wrestler, cannot happen, there may be a problem.

10. Pop – Die Fan-Explosion

A pop described the fans’ lautstarke reaction, when a believing wrestler arrived or was overwhelmed. I start the Pop, so that it’s the show. Another Pop is often the Highlight of a wrestling event.

You can see the Grundlagen der Wrestling-Sprache. Likewise, you can see the next show live or go to concerts with friends – with these tips you can guarantee a beautiful figure. Wrestling is a mischung on the level of art, sport and theater – and that is also what the man means! But is the struggle realistic? 5 Please note that the ring price is limited.