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Dennis Schröder joins the Golden State Warriors – Sports

Dennis Schröder joins the Golden State Warriors – Sports

Dennis Schröder31 years old, heading to another North American regulatory body Basketball-Profile NBA. The master of the world for a review of American television transmitters ESPN by the Brooklyn Nets for them Warriors of the Golden State uh Superstar Stephen Curry get auscht werden. Schröder presents himself on the X platform as an image of the Warriors jersey.


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For the Nationalmannschaftskapitän it is the headquarters of Wechsel in the long-running NBA-Karriere. The Braunschweiger had a tough season and played for Brooklyn in 33.6 minutes of play with 18.4 points and 6.6 assists for the game. And like Dreierschütze is a quick quote of 39 percent for the part.

The Nets are present in the 25th game of the Eastern Conference. For the Warriors, the playoff chances are better, the San Francisco team is going out West.