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All news, updating with the next update on the Galaxy-Handys is carried out

All news, updating with the next update on the Galaxy-Handys is carried out

The One UI update is already available for the first quarter of 2025. (Sanook, Adobe Stock)
The One UI update is already available for the first quarter of 2025. (Sanook, Adobe Stock)

The One UI update is already available for the first quarter of 2025. (Sanook, Adobe Stock)

One UI 7 beta version is present all over Ganga and it offers many new, new and optical options and clear lights. We will send you all the information you need for the big Galaxy update.

This is a beta version which will be available in the coming weeks and updates will be available. The article is now available and new functions are clearly indicated.


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One UI 7: the best highlights

We start with the big highlights, with One UI 7 a great application for management system bedeuten.

Die Now Bar kommt

Zum Start is now available for your Apps.
Zum Start is now available for your Apps.

Zum Start is now available for your Apps.

Samsung wants to connect your Galaxy-S-Handy to a pendant with Apples Live activity. This allows activities such as Timer, Musik, Aufnahme and more to be launched in the display bar.

One of the Widgets, as well as music elements, are an interactive design and are available in the concrete example of springs for a first lie. The new home screen also appears in the start and display menu and widgets displayed in a new configuration.

The camera app is very visible

Samsung launches camera app.
Samsung launches camera app.

Samsung launches camera app.

Please note that the Camera App is already available. This is now the case of Samsung, an intuitive method of implementation that is intuitive for users.

  • This is a new Anordnung der Kameratasten, Bedienelemente et Modi. So the clearer functions are available and the images and videos are clearer within.
  • Darüber hinaus wurden auch die Instellungen im Pro-Modus pour le Aufnahme von Fotos et Videos neu angeordnet. Thus, the layout of the »vereinfacht« manual instructions. I’m in Pro-Video mode to get a new zoom on a comfortable setup.

Galaxy AI: two new features available

A big Samsung update without KI functions is the only Samsung update. With One UI 7, the Writing Assistant system is now compatible with the first Galaxy smartphones. The function is always listening to texts. There are many possibilities for using the device in a simplified configuration, definition or interpretation of marked texts.

»Call Transcript« to automatic transcription on your phone. Bei aktivierter KI-Funktion et Anrufaufzeichnung sollen eure Gespräche vollständig transkribiert werden. Zum Start supports the Samsung 20 Sprachen, in German. The information regarding this function is as described in the United States.

Look and feel

App icons appear in One UI 7 and above.
App icons appear in One UI 7 and above.

App icons appear in One UI 7 and above.

Offensichtlich hat Samsung sowohl die Icons of Apps as well as the Widgets angepasst, therefore this other aussehen. Also the Animation is on the Hersteller gear available. The update is new and Samsung will do it, and One UI 7 will also be available.

Außerdem hat Samsung the Window für die Schnelleinstellungen et die Mitteilungszentrale getrennt. I wish that you have the right to obey Rand nach unten, gelangt ihr zu den Schnelleinstellungen. Now you can use widgets in new ways. If you want the center of the screens to be available to you for a while, you can set them.

More data protection and security

One UI 7 offers Samsung security features, clear personal data and very clear security specifications and transparencies.

It is a new security feature in Android and a security system integrated into enterprise security or device security system.

When you switch to One UI 7, you will be able to use the USB interface to connect the device to the USB version.

More new features in One UI 7

  • Akku-Feature kommt: In the den An installation may only be one charge festgelegt werden. Genau genommen 80 Prozent, 85 Prozent, 90 Prozent sowie 95 Prozent.
  • Routine: With One UI 7 uses Samsung routine function um wise and schreibe 32 Actions. The functions are also available for pendants like IFTTT or Apple shortcuts in the style “Wenn dies, tue das”. Man erstellt zunächst ein Ereignis, das ann a bestimmte Funktion auslöst.
  • Hintergrund applications: I wish you a finger with your finger on the center of the screens, and you will also have access to the background applications preview. Samsung has discovered a new look and fits perfectly with iPhones.
  • App drawer: Optionally, you can enable a vertical app drawer so many other smartphones come standard. Samsung wars here an ausnahme.
  • Application size: You can now use app icon sizes in iOS 18. Widgets are also available.
  • Gallery: Samsung’s photos app is available.
  • Archiving applications: One UI 7 supports app archiving on Android 15 (via Sammobile).

Both features are not supported by Samsung

With the big Update we also have Funktionen entfernt. With One UI 7 comes support for DeX for Windows PC. Samsung uses Funktion Link for Windows.

Additionally, large visualization widgets are used with the update without more for the update. Small widgets can be used with One UI 7. This was first done with One UI 6.1.1.

Output: Do you want to use One UI 7?

A new confirmation date for One UI 7 is not yet available. Samsung is not in the period of the first quarter of the year 2025. This is not unusual, the Samsung update was carried out with the Galaxy S25 series in the market.

The launch of the new Flaggschiff smartphones will take place on January 23, but today is not the best.

These are new updates in a big Galaxy update, which will be used? Was there a misapplication of the update? Do you want or need your functions, the Samsung schnellstmöglich nachliefern sollte? How is your beta version tested or is your official version available? You can find out more in the comments!