
Mondor Festival

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DVV-Frauen gegen Polen, Kenya and Vietnam

DVV-Frauen gegen Polen, Kenya and Vietnam

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Volleyball-WM: correction from Deutsche Gegner

The head of the Bundestrainer Christian Dünnes has second place in the group and Ziel benannt.

From November, new Bundestrainer: Giulio Bregoli

From November, new Bundestrainer: Giulio Bregoli


The head of the Bundestrainer Christian Dünnes has second place in the group and Ziel benannt.

German volleyball players took place at Weltmeisterschaft 2025 in Thailand and became a machbare group. The team of federal coach Giulio Bregoli visited Turnier (August 22 to September 7) in Phuket in Poland, Kenya and Vietnam.

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“We don’t have the same group, but there are also very intelligent people,” said head of the federal coach Christian Dünnes: “We have two group places and we are always in contact with our home d training with a new trainer and a new one. Players – the team must find it for the first time.

Dünnes sieht die Favoritenrolle in der Gruppe G beim Weltranglisten-Sechsten Polen. The team was “in the letzten Jahren un Riesenschritt nach vorne gemacht, but we also had the chance to experience a game”.

Deutschland auf Rang zwölf

Germany is listed in the World Time Rank zwölf list. The two countries of Kenya and Vietnam occupy 22nd and 33rd places in the ranking. The back and forth between the Afrikameister and the Olympia-Teilnehmer Kenia also “Vorsicht geboten”, ceser sei “nicht zu unterschätzen”, erklärte Dünnes. Vietnam könne and müsse man schlagen.

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Bei der WM sind erstmals 32 statt 16 Teams am Start, die zunächst in acht Vierer-Gruppen gegeneinander antreten. The same groups and bands perform in the Achtelfinale ein.