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Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill

Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill

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The Swiss Royals were not lucky enough to have a Nobel Prize dinner later. That’s what we think, and Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill played a major role in Rolle’s story.

Stockholm – The Nobel Peace Prize will be available for the purposes of the calendar Swiss Königs family. In recent years, the Schweden-Royals have had the first mal seit 2019 with the first: Neben König Carl XVI. Gustaf (78 years old), Queen Silvia (80 years old), Queen Victoria (47 years old), Prince Daniel (51 years old), Prince Carl Philip (45 years old) and Princess Sofia (40 years old) visited their trip to Florida to end with Princess Madeleine (42 years old). ) and Chris O’Neill (50) with dabei.

The Swiss Royals now receive their Nobel prize dinner

Beim Traditional dinner at Stockholm Castle during a Nobel Prize evening 10:00 a.m. December lasted three Kinder des Königspaares mit ihren Anhängen nicht fehlen. Guests were greeted by the Swiss royal family by the hosts, who then headed to the 2024 Nobel Prize dinner to celebrate.

More information on the world of support is available in our news More information about the app is available here. Alternative available for our new WhatsApp channel better support.

The Swiss Königshause website features natural photos from the milestone event. I also have family support from Nobel Prize winner Gary Ruvkun (72) and Mrs. Natasha Staller at the Royal Palace in Stockholm: The photo shows the Royals in Reih and Glied – thanks to the winner, to the team with the overall winner. Ambroise (71) In the category of medicines, these are people who have a hand in education.

Princess Madeleine, Chris O’Neill and Princess Sofia in the photos taken

Le Schnitt durchs Foto, das bei Instagram veröffentlicht wurde, durften Prinzessin Madeleine et son Ehemann Chris O'Neill n'est pas n'ont n'est pas net. (Photomontage)
Le Schnitt durchs Foto, das bei Instagram veröffentlicht wurde, durften Prinzessin Madeleine et son Ehemann Chris O’Neill n’est pas n’ont n’est pas net. (Fotomontage) © Jonathan NACKSTRAND / AFP/ & Clément Morin/© Nobel Prize Outreach/

Even on the townhouses social media account the image is featured, and others also in the original version. Photography in the company and was small in the relevant format of social networks anzupassen, enschied sich du Königshaus dazu, die am Ende der Reihe stehenden Personen einfach abzuschneiden: Prinzessin Madeleine and Chris O’Neill.

Auch Prinzessin Sofia was invited by Prince Ehemann Carl Philip to “surrender”, because Madeleine and Chris are near the stand. Die verkürzte Szenerie dürfte ihr ebenso wenig gefallen, besonders weil der Schnitt auch nicht besonders glücklich gesetzt wurde, der Schwangeren’s hand like a geisterian hand in the image of the image.

The royal family - with Madeleine and Chris O'Neil - receive Nobel Prize winner Gary Ruvkun and his wife Natasha Staller at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
The royal family – with Madeleine and Chris O’Neil – receive Nobel Prize winner Gary Ruvkun and his wife Natasha Staller at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. © Clément Morin/© Nobel Prize Outreach/

Dass das Königspaar et Thronfolgerin Victoria bei un solchen Foto im Fokus stehen, versteht sich von self, doch an bisschen more Sorgfalt wäre wünschenswert gewesen, zumal die Royals Prinzessin Madeleine auch die volle Verantwortung pour das Königreich übertragen, wenn sie geschlossen nach Brazilian in the Sommerferien reisen. Trotzdem haben bisher schon 26,000 User das Bild mit „Gefällt mir“ markiert. Use of sources:, Instagram