
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

LN-Buzzerboys responsible for Fußball-Casting at “Find the Pro”

LN-Buzzerboys responsible for Fußball-Casting at “Find the Pro”

Commissioning before commissioning

Final-Call: LN-Buzzerboys in charge of casting – sei beim Confima-Cup dabei

Lübeck. Will the mitspielen be Budenzauber under dem Hallendach? Die Lübecker Nachrichten suchen technisch versierte, ehrgeizige Fußballerinnen et Fußballer, die am 28.12. (2 p.m.) in Reihen we will see All-Star-Auswahl LN-Buzzerboys at the Confima-Cup teilnehmen möchten. Noch bis Donnerstag (19.12., 12 Uhr) nehmen wir Bewerbungen an.

Read more after Anzeige

Read more after Anzeige

The Confima-Cup is the great Hallenfußballturnier Lübecks. The United States of VfB Lübeck and 1. FC Phönix and SV Todesfelde visited this month with their professional regional league in the Hansehalle and Start. For the local Fußballprominenz you can use the Buzzerboys. Elf der zwölf Spieler of “Years 2024” at the festival – the LN takes the place of Kaderplatz exclusively this monthresponsible for scouting in the style of YouTube “Find the Pro” formats one.

“Find the Buzzerboy”: casting for “Hanse Soccer” in Bad Schwartau

It will be on December 21 (Samstag, at 10 a.m.) in the “Hanse Soccer” Hall in Bad Schwartau. “Find the Buzzerboy” is the LN casting format. You may be interested in sending an email to [email protected] with a name, agency, position and telephone number. We are responsible for reaching Kicker for Scouting. The organization of the World Cup is one of the best companies of the active companies, which has an idea for the Buzzerboys before the 16th. The Confima-Cup is available. A leading jury arrived on 28.12. dabei is.
