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A medal for Tom Cruise

A medal for Tom Cruise

An exceptional moment for Tom Cruise: On December 17, the talented producer and producer took place at Longcross Studios in idyllic Surrey with the Distinguished Public Service Award. U.S. Navy Chief Carlos Del Toro became CEO, while Tom flew with the seiner Medaille and the Urkunde position.

Eine Wertschätzung, die berührt

The 62-year-old star, born in the legendary film “Top Gun”, is the time of the trip to England and his era was provoked by these “new future perspectives”. Bei der Zeremonie betonte Tom: “I am amazed by all the soldiers and soldiers. » Seine Worte spiegeln ein tiefes Verständnis für den Dienst broader: “Führen heißt dienen. Das weiß ich im Innersten et sehe est bei tous jenen, die für our Land kämpfen. » Die Marine würdigte Toms Engagement, the öffentliche Bewusstsein for the bemerkenswerten Leistungen and Opfer ihrer Soldaten zu stärken.

Eine Reihe beeindruckender Auszeichnungen

The Distinguished Public Service Award is not a pinnacle award – it’s a big government or recognition of merit and it’s given to greats like Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks for “Saving Private Ryan “. Tom appeared in September 2020 with producer Jerry Bruckheimer at the premiere of “Top Gun: Maverick” for Navy Flight. Während Tom has a written “Top Gun” film, but it is clear that the project will be spotlighted.

Image: Darla Khazei/INSTARimages