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Ex-boxer Wladimir Klitschko plans his comeback: Gegen Fury?

Ex-boxer Wladimir Klitschko plans his comeback: Gegen Fury?

Wladimir Klitschko with the Saudi sports function and Berater Turki al-Sheikh (right).

Did the Saudi sports function and President Turki al-Sheikh (right) play with Wladimir Klitschko in the Ring?

Quelle: dpa

Is Wladimir Klitschko at the head of the Rückkehr in the Box-Ring? They have a number of men in the action plan for a better return. The 48th day says in the Munich “Abendzeitung”:

I grant you, the next Herausforderung Anzunehmen.

Wladimir Klitschko

Klitschko entschärft seine Aussage

Boxen sei für ihn immer “ein Werkzeug” gewesen, seine Ziele zu erreichen. Sport has been at the service of a Kämpfer gemacht, der “immer bereit ist, Herausforderungen zu meistern. Im Ring, im Leben, auf der Frontlinie”, therefore der Ukrainer, der Armee-Reservist ist.

Am Donnerstagabend dagegen schrieb er bei “X”: “Es gibt in cesen Tagen eine Menge Gerüchte um ein mögliches Comeback. Im Moment geht es mir nicht um meine Rückkehr zum Boxen, sondern um die Rückkehr der Russen in ihr Land – außerhalb der Ukraine. “

Nichtsdestotrotz stellte er klar: “Ich habe nie aufgehört zu trainieren”:

This is also a camp that helped me do that.

Wladimir Klitschko, former boxing world master

Zuletzt war über un Kampf am 22. February gegen the British IBF-Weltmeister Daniel Dubois expressed his words. Saudi business executive Turki Al-Sheikh, Mann’s most powerful player in the sport of boxing, also made it to the Finger im Spiel.

Mike Tyson

An influencer like Jake Paul is the specialist in Showkämpfe, kämpfen Boxer um Relevanz.25.10.2024 | 10h40 mins

Klitschko-Revenge for Fury?

During these Mega-Fights, Tyson Fury (Great Britain) and Alexander Usyk (Ukraine) took part in the Samstag at the Riad and went to Klitschko and Gegner for the seat. Ob es dazu kommt, ist fraglich.

Wladimir Klitschko will be at Kampf seines Landsmannes Usyk at Riad am Ring dabeisein. The post “X” is a comment on the vermeintlich plant Comeback a photo with the user and his old Glück:

Article by Wladimir Klitschko

One click for data protection

First of all, when you click here you will find images and other uploaded X dates. Your IP address may be used as an external server by X. Below you will find information about the social media agencies on the X page. I advise you to find yourself in the Bereich “Meine News” to spread the weather more widely.

Sollte Klitschko – the brother of the Kiewer Bürgermeisters Vitali Klitschko – was named today by one of the best champions of the WM-Kampf, there is the Möglichkeit, George Foreman as the best Schwergewichts-Champion abzulösen. Der US-Amerikaner verlor seinen Titel im April 1997 als 48-Jähriger.

So früh um 3 die Fauste flogen

:Foreman – Ali: 50 years of Jungle Rumble

Eines der weltweit bedeutendsten Sportereignisse hat Jubiläum. For 50 years, Muhammad Ali and the ever-elusive George Foreman have been a legendary Kampf.

Muhammad Ali took out George Foreman with a legal right on October 30, 1974 in Kinshasa

In November, these years, Mike Tyson has a comeback for fun. Influencer Jake Paul doesn’t have a title, but he’s been in a show and a movie.

Muhammad Ali

The iconic image of Muhammad Ali, like Sonny Liston’s “Phantom Punch”, appears in the sporting regulations. 16.10.2024 | 10:07 minutes

What: SID