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4 startups that die in December have fallen

4 startups that die in December have fallen

You can use Fäkalien Geld, use the Internet for everyone, recruit with KI and help you recycle construction waste: these are several startups.

4 startups that die in December have fallen

Large group of blue umbrellas with a single yellow umbrella standing out
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In this format we have the Monatlich Startups editorial team from Gründerszene, which is in a young positive time and which has fallen.

Shit2Power: Aus Fäkalien Energie machen

Was the startup macht: Shit2Power will be at the Scheiße Gold machen. Yes, it’s true! The Berlin start-up has a business line, the washing machine within the energy sector is now available for the energy sector; in electrical Energy, Wasserstoff and phosphorreiche Asche. Letztere wird beispielsweise in der Düngemittelproduktion benötigt.

Here is the lost problem: Shit2Power will allow you to solve more problems: it’s an investment in energy and higher costs. Laut Startup verursachen Kläranlagen rund ein Prozent des gesamten Stromverbrauchs in Deutschland. Mithilfe der Anlagen von Shit2Power soll die Energie für den Bettrieb der Kläranlagen noch vort zurückgewonnen werden können. Another problem with Shit2Power is that Germany’s chief research organization for refrigerators and municipal life is very expensive. Durch die Verarbeitung des Klärschlamms vor Ort fall diese Kosten weg. And this will allow the Startup to help you, the Süßwasseraufbereitung weltweit auszubauen. Während in Deutschland runs 95 Prozent des Abwassers gereinigt werde, seien es weltweit nur etwa 20 Prozent. When you are here, you have to go to the Kosten, and you have to be in charge of the Kläranlagen verbunden sind.

Where is the startup: Shit2Power was founded in February 2023 by Nina Heine and Fabian Habicht and is a graduate school of Humboldt University Berlin. Aktuell befindet sich the Startup noch in the Entwicklungsphase. Last year, until 2025, it is an einsatzfähige Anlage mit einer Leistung von 6,2 Tonnen Klärschlamm pro Tag zu entwickeln, so das Unternehmen.

This data from Shit2Power offers great attention to investors and development programs. In September 2024, Berliners received 150,000 euros from the RAG Foundation for the BRYCK funding program. In May 2024, I invested 500,000 euros in the Impact-VC startup Better Ventures. Last November, Shit2Power won two ausgezeichnet prizes: the green prize of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Security obtained the main prize of the IDEE financing prize, which cost 50,000 euros. Since Shit2Power started, the EXIST program is supported.

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Everbay: KI-Stimme übernimmt Recruiting

Was the startup macht: Everbay hat one KI-Sprachassistenten Entwickelt, der beim Unternehmen beim Recruiting von neuen Mitarbeitenden helfen soll. Dafür ruft die Sprach-KI “Anna” Interessenten self-ständig et spricht mit ihnen beispielsweise über Ausbildung, Fähigkeiten oder mögliche Arbeitszeiten, um so eine Vorauswahl von geeigneten Bewerbern zu treffen. Außerdem kann Anna auch Fragen der Bewerber beantworten und Termine für Vorstellungsgespräche koordinieren.

Here is the lost problem: Angesichts des Fachkräftemangels and them “War for talent” proactive measures Recruitment for old employees of the Zukunft, an immersed in which you play rolling roles. Dabei KI einzusetzen, this is our logic. Everbay will take care of KI das Recruiting zudem starter auf Platttformen verlegen, wo Bewerber tatsächlich erreicht werden – wie die sozialen Medien. Anna’s Mithilfe is interested in the times of the day and the opportunity for an avant-garde trip – and so she finds things for him. Tools such as these are available, support services for all simple and quick operations for the machines.

Where is the startup: Everbay organized the Anfang 2021 of Martin Plöckl, Peter Kirchner and Matthias Oden in Munich and has its own funding. Bisher is interested in startups for all algorithms, for recruiting employees through targeting or the effectiveness of specific marketing strategies, and this is how they have a job of their own, in the European market of German activity. These items may be sent by Deutsche Post/DHL, Deutsche Telekom, Allianz or Vonovia. Parallel Dazu entwickelte Everbay den KI-Assistenten Anna, dessen official Einführung für Anfang 2025 geplant ist.

Firsty: Internet connection by application

Was the startup macht: First of all, it is a search-based app for all users who are roaming in 150+ countries. Nutzer haben mithilfe der gleichnamigen App im In- et Ausland Zugriff auf un Internetverbindung, die Messaging et E-Mails ermöglicht. First of all, for E-Sim technology it is easy, without any physical connection with a SIM card for practical aufzubauen applications. The smartphone is automatically set up with the best network service in use, allowing startup to begin. First of all, I’m going to offer you a free, no-cost service, which is funded by the company. Nutzern wird dann alle 60 Minuten aine Werbung gezeigt, die sie zu Ende schauen müssen. A Highspeed-Verbindung agency without a website is available for a euro pro tag.

Here is the lost problem: An easy-to-use app with a smartphone Mobile Internet. Praktisch ist the zum Beispiel für Reisende, die im europäischen Ausland unterwegs sind – dort also keinen Zugriff more auf das free roaming in the EU haben. To get an affordable price, you need to get a SIM card from a local company. Mit Firsty fell on the road. You can also firstly experience falls in the Netz-Engpässen in the Land aushelfen. In Germany, it is likely that we are in the mists of time, without me being responsible for the network. First of all, we’re going to do this, this is the best network to use for nuts.

The first time you want to find online content is an interesting business case. So talk to the startup about partnering with Uber. Mit Firsty wolle Uber seinen Nutzern weltweit ermöglichen, the Uber-App ohne zusätzliche Datenkosten zu nutzen und Fahrten zu Buchen.

The Auto1-Gründer Hakan Koç with Betterroaming In the summer of 2023, a multi-purpose start-up is created. It is also a Handynutzer with a virtual SIM card for hohen roaming services.

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The startup chose the following: First of all, in 2023, the German product manager of the Dutch production platform Adyen was appointed: Vince Vissers and Gauthier Thierens. The startup is headquartered in Amsterdam’s Hauptsitz and is itself the first provider of free, comprehensive mobile internet. In November 2024, she first started carrying out a seed cycle, in the start-up which earned 5.1 million euros. The Speedinvest funding program was launched with funding from the DFF (Dutch Founders Fund) led by development partner Laurens Groenendijk, Director of Just Eat. This happened with Marcel Smits, CFO of KPN, as well as CFO of Mollie,, Uber, Vodafone and Adyen.

Optocycle: KI sorter Bauschutt

Was the startup macht: Optocycle aus Tübingen entwickelt KI-basierte Systeme zur optischen Klassifizierung von Bauschutt und Bauabfällen. Therefore, the best possible solutions are better to get the können – beispielsweise, um sie anschließend efficient wiederverwerten zu können. Dafür nehmen Cameras Bilder des Bauschutts auf; zum Beispiels auf einem Lkw ou Förderband liegend. Im Anschluss wertet a KI-basierte Software die Bilder in Echtzeit aus et bestimmt die Zusammensetzung des Bauschutts.

Here is the lost problem: Jährlich fell in Germany more than 200 million tons Bauabfall year. The more half of the food is rich in minerals, the more natural resources are used. Darunter Beton, Ziegel, Fliesen or Keramik. The system like that of the optocycle uses a means of supplying this baustoffe, is not in your resources, it probes the CO₂ inside, and it is in large installations of the installation of new concrete. Working time is reduced in the construction branch in order to reduce costs for organization and new materials. Entrepreneurs also have a personal interest in a system like Optocycle’s.

The startup chose the following: Optocycle took place in 2022 by Max-Frederick Gerken and Lars Wolff at a graduate school of the University of Tübingen. 2023 offers Startup two purchase offers: by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) for 109,000 euros by L-Bank (die Staatsbank von Baden-Württemberg) for 250,000 euros.

2024 a optocycle zudem zwei Regionale Preise: den “Schwarzen Löwen” in der Kategorie Gründer (der Preis wird von zwölf Regionalen Tageszeitungsverlagen aus der Metropolregion Stuttgart verliehen) sowie an Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle-Preis (ein Innovationspreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg) . Außerdem wurde Gründer Gerken vom Wirtschaftsmagazin “Forbes” In the list of “Forbes 30 under 30” aufgenommen.

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