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I’m so dankbar: Ryan Reynolds with his greatest Canadian author

I’m so dankbar: Ryan Reynolds with his greatest Canadian author

I'm so dankbar: Ryan Reynolds with his greatest Canadian author

Ryan Reynolds must be so strong “Officer” nennen. Photo: Andrew Schwartz/SIPA

Ryan Reynolds is abstaining from Ryan Reynolds’ action in the years to come for a sustainable development project within the Canadian state. This engagement was made with the highest Canadian authorities for people with disabilities.

Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds (48) came on his own account. Wie der in Vancouver geborene Schauspieler stolz in an interview with “People” verkündete, this is the new Officer of the “Order of Canada”. “Heute wurde mir die unglaubliche Ehre zuteil,[…]

You can read it as “all men in the country, the tag is an Anerkennung or Schulterklopfen and other helfen”. Reynolds witzelte, dass er “seine Offiziersmedaille in tausend kleine Stücke zerbrechen und teilen” wolle.

Auch on the X-Account This is a German version of the 48-year version. “Canada, you are more likely to do it, and I can do it. Vielenk für cese unglaubliche Ehre – ich verspreche, my Kräfte für das Gute einzusetzen… And for allgemeine Heiterkeit”, writes Reynolds on his account of social media.

Höchste zivile Anerkennung dans la Heimatland de Reynolds

The “Order of Canada” is in Canada the highest auszeichnung of the States for a civil person and is the late motto “Desiderantes meliorem patriam” (z. Dt.: “die ein besseres Vaterland begehren”) verliehen. Der Orden, der am 1. Juli 1967 published three books: “Companions of the Order of Canada”, “Officers of the Order of Canada” and “Members of the Order of Canada”. In 2020, the Gesamtanzahl comprises the verstorskanadischen Ordensträger 500 companions, 2,450 officers and 4,727 members.

Reynolds led the 88 new Ordinance Officers, the Governor General of Canada aufgrund von Vorschlägen aus der Bevölkerung ernennt. “Ryan Reynolds has the role of Zuschauer in his film Bann Gezogen, integrated as writer, producer and main producer of the film ‘Deadpool’ erfolgreichen,” he says. on the official website. Reynolds was hired in the years to come for “Canadian organizations like Water First Education, Covenant House Vancouver and Sick Kids Foundation,” which were managed by the Land.