
Mondor Festival

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We Love MMA 76: Spannung pur beim Weihnachts-Kampf in Berlin!

We Love MMA 76: Spannung pur beim Weihnachts-Kampf in Berlin!

Vorfall Sonstiges
Clock time 10:00 p.m.
Ort Berlin

In Berlin, the Vorfreude auf an aufregende Fight Night is riesig! On Saturday, December 20, 2024, “We Love MMA” was released on December 76 in Germany. The installation will take place at 10 p.m. live from BILD and will be broadcast in the Kämpfe. A superior view with the average world champion title, in the amtierende world champion Daniel Makin give MMA legend Kevin crashes Please note that the title is currently in use. I believe the YouTube star is credible Fabio Schäfer in the Käfig steigen and gegen Marcel Klos kämpfen.

Spitfire Gym dominates the MMA scene

Während die Fans auf die bevorstehenden Kämpfe warten, hat das Spitfire Gym The official announcement of “We Love MMA” in the Mercedes-Benz Arena is intended for Furore gesorgt. Before the 62. Fight Night was created by a Kämpfen gewonnen and gave the title to the Berliner MMA-Champion won. Our control status starts and starts the production directly from the beginning with the situation of Jann Jentzen and setzte sich mit beeindruckenden Siegen von Kämpfern as Mansour Kovraev And Ahmad Halimson strong, the large Leistungen zeigten, die das Publikum begeisterten.

The Fight Night spectaculars are still present, like the Kämpfer dominating in the busiest Berlin gyms. Speziell die Kämpfe zwischen Spitfire Berlin et les Vertretern von Team Trigoon sorgten for viel Aufsehen et Spannung. The headquarters of the Spitfire Gym in the MMA-Schlacht in the zeitgeist of the Berliner Vorherrschaft, which is not local, is at the national level for the release of Furore.

With all these training stages in the world of MMA, it is possible that the events will take place in the winter weather.

Ort des Geschehens

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