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Journal of the month 2024: Aquaty-Gründer Alexander Grimm

Journal of the month 2024: Aquaty-Gründer Alexander Grimm

The study of the Venture-Capital Aquaty digital platform was thought through over the course of the year: comprehensive pitches, personal Lifehacks and a Linkedin debate, which are “placed on the nerves”.

Journal of the month 2024: Aquaty-Gründer Alexander Grimm

While Gründer must immerse Alexander Grimm with Rückschlägen umgehen, therefore until January 2024.

Alexander Grimm is the master of digital Aquaty Venture Capital Platform. Aquaty-Cunden can use the Investitionsprozesse platform abwickeln, Sekundärtransaktionen abschließen and Aktien virtual program (ESOP) verwalten. Zuvor war Grimm acht Jahre lang bei dem Versicherungs-Startup Getsafe beschäftigt. Sieben Davon as Chief Operations Officer (COO). Die Startup-Welt kennt er aussi ganz gut. Doch dieses Jahr sieht er sie erstmals durch die Linse eines Gründers. I’m on the theme of winter travel and reflecting on the learnings of 2024, with personal feel-good moments and the debate that took place this month.

Dein Jahr 2024 in a must?



The first phase of the objective is all the dynamics – and the objective is to understand what the business, the team and the market are to know better and must improvise and learn to respond effectively. And for everyone, the glass must be halfway.

Was 2024 the world’s first time – and is it bigger than that?

A third day of Colombian culture with our three grandchildren at the beginning of 2024. And yes, in the fall – the black children are at dawn and in the spring they will soon be here.

Welche Debatte (e.g. on Linkedin) War 2024 deiner Meinung nach überbewertet or something more aufmerksamkeit verdient?

The theme covered in “Founder Mode” is right on the nerves.

Welcher Pitch, den du gehört hast (or selbst gehalten hast), war der verrückteste?

I had a friendly meeting with my co-founder and a 1:1 meeting with a partner at a large company. While the video conference link is open, there are 100 hours in the room and my guest speaker in your virtual town hall – I have to improvise first.

Welches Wort hat euer Team dieses Jahr am meisten gesagt – et warum ist es nicht “skalieren”?

“Enzo” – what does Aquaty do as Codewort for an established sale – what? It’s a long and brilliant story, with one of my co-investors in PropTech in your hat.

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Did Welches Ereignis take care of all the working minutes for the women that day?

You have to immerse yourself in extreme conditions – resilience and bad weather are extreme. Häufig pends viel an einzelnen Kunden und Entscheidungen. Manche Deals has just the potential, and is at your closest level. In these offers invest in old Energy and Zeit. While a study gives rise to work, man must have unpleasant surprises – and learn the next topic.

Welche ungewöhnliche Sparmaßnahme habt ihr ausprobiert et war sie genial orer einfach nur peinlich?

There is really only one storage space, but a cooler company: the Tats war which took place in recent years with “Office-Nomade” and which was sent to the office of the friends in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Frankfurt. Do not keep coffee, water and beer all over again! – Danke and cease Stelle and Paretos, Enzo, Styx and Zeb.

Was it the war for the “Feel-good moment” 2024, at the highest level: Das ist der Grund, warum wir das hier machen!

The first (in several days) positive feedback from our platform launch in Q1 – this will be a deep understanding experience, if you want the product to be “working”.

Did Welchen “Lifehack” end 2024, dein Leben ain kleines bisschen einfacher gemacht hat?

I have already started to start the “timeboxes” and see the slots at specific times and enter the legend schedule. Additionally, I organized Family Time and Sport-Slots festivals into the calendar.

Best book / best podcast / best series this month?

Book: Der Almanach von Naval Ravikant.

Wofür willst du 2025 Geld ausgeben?

Private: with a good Essen and a good wine (and a babysitter for the children ). I’m in business: even more information on things to do, Investments in team and product.

And 2025 would be intestinal/hart/besser/wild…? Well…?

Besser, weil ein bisschen Zuversicht im actuallen Weltgeschehen guttut.

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