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From “Popstars” by Schlager-Giganten: All the information from Giovanni Zarrella

From “Popstars” by Schlager-Giganten: All the information from Giovanni Zarrella

Giovanni Zarrella is a true all-round talent and with his own show, run by the German company Fernsehen. Here you will find all the information about Italian musicians.

The Steckbrief by Giovanni Zarrella

  • Name: Giovanni Zarrella
  • Birthday: March 4, 1978 in Hechingen
  • Beruf: Musiker, Fernseh moderator
  • Family stand: Published with Jana Ina Zarrella, two children
  • Geschwister: Influencers Stefano Zarrella, Maria Zarrella

Giovanni Zarrellas Werdegang and TV-Karriere

Giovanni Zarrella is from Deutschland zur Welt, verbrachte jedoch einige Jahre seiner Jugend en Italian, who works for AS Rom football game. This is the first time that the German authorities absolve and aeine Ausbildung zum IT-Systemkaufmann et arbeitete im Vertrieb. His musical talent is still present in childhood, as well as in the texts, keyboard players and orgelunterricht erhielt.

In January 2001, he arrived at the Castingshow “Popstars” and was killed by the group Bro’Sis, who died at the end of the year in a million dishes sold. In the 2006 edition of the group, Giovanni participated in a TV channel and moderate TV shows, in the press conference of “Popstars”, “Bravo Sport TV” and “screenshot – the Bundesliga eSport “.

Wichtige Stationen seine TV-Carriere:

  • 2005: Teilnahme and “Teufels Küche”
  • 2008: Moderation of the “Popstars” development program
  • 2021: Start of “Die Giovanni Zarrella Show” on ZDF
  • 2023: Sworn to “The Voice of Germany”

Giovanni Zarrella bei "The voice of Germany"

Giovanni Zarrella in “The Voice of Germany” Imago
  • 2005: “Just married! – Frisch verheiratet!“
  • 2008: „Jana Ina & Giovanni – We are a schwanger“
  • 2010: „Jana Ina & Giovanni – Pizza, Pasta & Amore“

Giovanni and Jana Ina Zarrella

Giovanni and Jana Ina Zarrella Imago

Giovanni Zarrellas Musikkarriere nach Bro’Sis

After the Bro’Sis trip in January 2006, Giovanni Zarrella began a superb solo career. There are more Albens in Deutsch and Italianisch. His album “La vita è bella” was released in 2019 on place 25 of the sales charts and has a place on a golden plaque.

  • 2006: First solo album “Coming Up”
  • 2019: Album „La vita è bella“ (Platz 25 der Verkaufscharts)
  • 2021: Album „Ciao!“ (Platz 1 in Germany and Österreich)

Record by Giovanni Zarrella

  • Future (2006)
  • Music (2008)
  • Ancora Musica (2010)
  • Life is beautiful (2019)
  • Ciao! (2021)

Auszeichnungen and Ehrungen

Giovanni Zarrella was more effective for his musical and moderated lessons. These include, among others, the “Durchstarter des Jahres” and the “Newcomer des Jahres”.

  • 2020: “The newcomer of the years” to “Die Eins der Besten”
  • 2022: “Best assistance/moderation” for “The Giovanni Zarrella show” at the Deutschen Fernsehpreis
  • 2023: Bambi in the “Entertainment” category

Giovanni Zarrella sings for Jana Ina

Giovanni Zarrella sings for Jana Ina Imago

Giovanni Zarrellas Sportcareer

Neben seiner Musikkarriere hat Giovanni Zarrella auch eine Leidenschaft für Fußball. He plays in the Jugendmannschaft of AS Rom and plays in the Second Mannschaft of SSV Reutlingen. In Germany there are also TV sports programs like Total TV Autoball-WM.

Wichtige Stationen seiner Fußballkarriere:

  • 1992-1994: Jugendspieler beim AS Rom
  • 2008: Teilnahme an der TV total Autoball-EM