
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Klatsche im Spitzenspiel! Rossi is with the Wild under

Klatsche im Spitzenspiel! Rossi is with the Wild under

Marco Rossi and the Minnesota Wild played in the Western Conference tournament against the Winnipeg Jets with a score of 0:5 and beat their worst field in real time.

The Canadian players arrived in the 7th minute in Powerplay in Führung – Ehlers is with a single wrist shot. Both Tor der Jets fell the first time: Barron (18.) had a perfect counter.

In the middle of the Powerplay in Winnipeg, Pionk (26.) has his own Blöße. The training fell in the Schlussdrittel: Perfetti (43.) sowie Namestnikov (48.) made it 4:0 bzw. 5:00 p.m.

The ÖEHV-Star Rossi passes at 17:59 minutes off the island and verzeichnet a Torschuss. The Jets ranked in the Western Conference place, the Wild and Tabellen-Dritter.

The Red Wings speak to the Canadiens

Landsmann Rossi introduced ÖEHV star Marco Kasper to a Canadian team. The Detroit Red Wings beat the Montreal Canadiens in 1:5.

It is the host of the American Bundesstaat in Michigan, which took place at the end of the match: Veleno (7.) won for the 1:0. Today I found the answer from the Canadians for the first time – and on the third day: Slafkovsky (15.) equalized the game stand, Evans (16.) made it 2:1 and Laine (20. ) managed to play in Powerplay at 3:1 for the franchise. in Montreal.

Im Mitteldrittel fall die letzten beiden Tore: Heineman (23.) sowie Gallagher (34.) sorgen für die Tore vier et fünf der Gastgeber.

Kasper is by the lake 15:28 Minutes auf dem Eis und verzeichnet 2swei Schüsse aufs Tor.

The Canadians traveled with the headquarters written to the Eastern Conference’s Tabellenplatz 14 plaza in Detroit on April 15.

Das ind all the Österreicher, die im NHL-Draft gepickt wurden