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Supplier or controller? The debate on “Melde dich daheim”

Supplier or controller? The debate on “Melde dich daheim”


Dating-Verhalten“Schreib mir, wenn du zu Hause bist”: Is it das toxic Kontrollwahn?

A common harmony with a tiktoker selected for discussions. Sind Nachfragen nach Dates “toxisch kontrollierend” or höflich? An expert expert takes care of it, as one person can take care of it and will not use it at all.

Melissa Greiter
  • A Tiktok video on the satz “Schreib mir, wenn du zu Hause bist” löst Diskussionen aus.

  • The Satz will be one by one to ensure, and others as control funds.

  • Expert Oliver Ender realized that overreactions to negative reactions could occur.

“I don’t have any more with the woman,” says the German Tiktoker nakidaii. In one of the Videos you will find the latest Date and another Frau. Now that the Treffen bot er der Frau an, sie nach Hause zu fahren, was sie ablehnte. Daraufhin said here: “Schreib mir doch, wenn du zu Hause bist.” Ohne grossen Comments verabschiedete sie sich.

While it lasts 45 minutes, there’s nothing on your part, then it breaks, and it’s all in order. You should be aware of the Frau dies als “kontrollierendes Verhalten” et “toxische Männlichkeit”. Another thing you don’t want to do is get out of control.

These free videos and videos listen to a discussion in the social environment. Is there once again an angebracht, when a man a better woman arrives, when the house is angekommen sind? Internet is used. In my comment, I have one: “You want to get out of this, because you have the same form of inheritance.” And you can find a hinge that says something like “a song and a different gesture”.

Verhaltensexperte: “Ein überfürsorgliches Verhalten kann triggern”

And when we seek to solve problems like similar gestures, they can be led to other reactions, explained by psychologist and psychology expert Oliver Ender. In diesem Fall also Ablehnung und das Beenden der Dates durch die Frau. “When one person, during the fall of the Tiktoker, felt frustrated, he found himself in the reaction of another, and he thought that the clean bed would not be good.”

Das Verhalten et die Frustration des Tiktokers können laut Ender auf eine Vorgeschichte seinerseits hindeuten. He also said: “Man darf den Männern das nicht übel nehmen, der Beschützerinstinkt ist angeboren.”

Oliver Ender, psychologist and psychology expert, said that the person is absolutely affected by a positive or negative question aufgenommen wird.

Oliver Ender, psychologist and psychology expert, said that the person is absolutely affected by a positive or negative question aufgenommen wird.

The psychological perspective is also close to the reaction of the woman who is Hindu, who is in Vergangenheit, and who in a situation where by your stranger is strongly controlled by you. “Ein überfürsorgliches Verhalten cannn annnche Reaktionen auslösen.”

Beziehungsexpertin: “Auf das dritte Mal nachfragen, hätte ich verzichtet”

Care expert Martina Rissi tells me: “I see the total of lies absolved.” You can immediately start the reaction of Tiktokers when these videos are broadcast. This means that: “Auf das dritte Mal nachfragen, hätte ich in diesem Fall verzichtet.”

“The ideal would be to do it when the partners are taking care of their bed,” says expert on the subject Martina Rissi.

“The ideal would be to do it when the partners are taking care of their bed,” says expert on the subject Martina Rissi.

Agent of Liebes

Das Date habe aus Ihrer Sicht klar zu verstehen gegeben, because these Fürsorge nicht wolle. “Ideally it would be done when partners are busy in bed.” Gerade beim Dating sei Communikation das A und O, betont Rissi. Trotzdem sei es wichtig, auf das eigene Bauchgefühl zu hören. “And when it’s not over, then it’s not over.”

Sidebar: Is Dating Heute Noch Erlaubt?

It’s complete, erklärt Beziehungsexpertin Martina Rissi. Each generation, its personality and its means are the best to be designed to meet all needs – for one agreement, for other styles.

Dinge wie das Aufhalten der Tür, un complemente zum Aussehen or das Helfen beim Anziehen der Jacke sind for die Expertin jedoch nicht automatisch No-Gos. Only one change at the level of the Live-Standort with Rissi skeptical: “Here I see that the Grenze zum toxicischen Verhalten sehr non. » The personal Freiraum faces massive development, occurs and dies in its place.

What is Grenze?

Whether a person has a positive or negative reaction also depends on the person ab. Femme seien heute wesentlich unabhängiger als früher et brauchten keinen Mann plus als “Beschützer”, says Ender.

An alternative exists: “Ich hoffe, du bist gut nach Hause gekommen”, according to Ender. (Symbol image)

An alternative exists: “Ich hoffe, du bist gut nach Hause gekommen”, according to Ender. (Symbol image)

Photo by Alicia Christin Gerald on Unsplash

Do you see the Grenze zwischen Fürsorge und toxicischer Control? “Es ist völlig in Ordnung, ein Angebot zu machen – Solange es nicht fdernd wird”, says Ender. Als Alternative könnte man beispielsweise auch zu Hause schreiben: “Ich hoffe, du bist gut nach Hause gekommen.” This formula allows you to benefit from a larger surface area.

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