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Krypto-Wale buys this Meme-Coin: Nächste Kursexplosion voraus?

Krypto-Wale buys this Meme-Coin: Nächste Kursexplosion voraus?

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Cryptocurrency news

Während sich der breite Kryptomarkt erholt, bleiben auch Wale activ. Bitcoin surged over the past week to 5 percent in Plus and did not reach the psychological course price of 100,000 US dollars. Damit steigt BTC is very close to the public market. Altcoins like Solana or Dogecoin are rated with 3 percent more and are considered the best performers in the Top 100.

Krypto-Wale is ready to invest in a bull market and invest in an established Meme-Coin.

Now buy Dogecoin: bullish momentum for DOGE

On-Chain-Daten chose Wale who won 96 million euros in Dogecoin. Dies unterstreicht ein gestureigertes Interesse larger Acteure. An amount of 0.33 US dollars was spent on an investment of 90 million US dollars. Augenscheinlich wurde die jüngste Korrektur als Kaufchance interpreted. Denn DOGE verlor im letzten Monat rund 20 Prozent seines Werts.

The simple analyst speaks to a channel parallel to the Dogecoin administration, which speaks to a large research organization within the Vergangenheit post. Technology requires this channel to be set up for a larger parabolic channel. The historical date was this year: 2017 allowed Dogecoin to have a guarantee of 212 percent, then to have a return to 40 percent, before a massive take of an amount of 5,000 percent. The Kurs 2021 will end with a price of 476 percent, a price of 56 percent and a support in the amount of 12,000 percent. In January 2024, Dogecoin was sold at 440 percent and was authorized at 46 percent. Sollte das historische Muster Bestand haben, könnte dies eine erneute, signifikante Rallye eteuten.

Krypto-Tipp: Flockerz for 8 million. $, Price for FLOCK the next day

Flockerz was created by the innovative agency “Vote-to-Earn” for active community immunity, which makes Dogecoin very centralized. You will be informed of the Presale of Flockerz by the time of your investment without the price with high potential for financial losses. Dogecoin hat lasts longer than its Marktkapitalisierung ferner irgendwo ein begrenztes Wachstum, während Flockerz mit dezentraler Struktur und starker Nachfrage aktuell überzeugen kann. There is huge interest in the US$7.75 million pre-sale.

Zum Flockerz Presale


Während launched a project like Dogecoin thanks to its high market capitalization and also has limited expansion potential which enriched risk investors in their Blick on a small alternative. One such alternative is Flockerz- which is a project, with innovative analysis and complex community elements.

Flockerz helps you use the “Vote-to-Earn” model ergo deutlich von traditionellen Meme-Coins ab. This analysis is carried out by the Token-Inhabern, active in the development of projects with projects. The efforts put into your projects and your commitment were the beginning of the joint organization and direction of the projects in the long term. This model exists in 2025 for a trend – Voting to win rather than playing to win?

The current Flockerz presale will allow you to improve the quality of the products, in order to guarantee an optimal price for your interior. With a short Auswahl and Zahlungsmethoden, launching Ethereum, Tether and Binance Coin, the Zugang erleichtert. There are optimistic reasons: the project brought in 7.7 million US dollars and a sales price reached 24 million euros.

The most important results of pre-sales must be granted and the project of the project of interest goes further. With a clear objective auf Mitbestimmung et fairer Verteilung könnte Flockerz nicht nur ein kurzfristiger Hype sein, sondern langfristig über Abstimmungen et Staking passive Belohnungen bieten.

Zum Flockerz Presale

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