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Hugh Grant in Panikattacken and in his horror film “Heretic” | – Culture

Hugh Grant in Panikattacken and in his horror film “Heretic” | – Culture

With “Tatsächlich Liebe”, “Notting Hill” or “Bridget Jones”, Hugh Grant worked with the charming Lausbuben-Image. Nun plays the 64-Jährige in “Heretic” a psychopathic series. A message.

You did it, because you have a horror movie that goes wrong, but you didn’t do it. Warum haben Sie sich ann ausgerechnet dafür entschieden, in ainem mitzuspielen et haben Sie “Heretic” schon gesehen?

Hugh Grant: I’m going to see my solche Film not one, but I’m really there. The back and forth led to me calling it a “heretic” at the same time. And when the Teil davon bist, it is etwas ganz anderes, under which I überhaupt nicht geängstigt. Außerdem habe ich hauptsächlich un ganz ausgeprägte, specifische Abneigung gegen den Teufel, ou teuflische Besessenheit von Menschen. Irgendein Slasher-Film does nothing for me.

If you have also been affected, the Skript should not be ignored?

To agree: Es war eines der besten Drehbücher, die ich je gelesen habe. And besides, at the end, a long list is found with the text, auf denen sich die Autoren bezogen haben – ungefähr 50 hoch intellektuelle Bücher. I am struck by the war. If you have dried them for a long time, they are not yet intensive and are being researched. You have already written a text on world religions, cults and atheism, one of the arguments for Mr. Reed’s arguments. Zu german et jedem gab es irgendeine Anmerkung.

Gab es Fußnoten, as in a wissenschaftlichen work?

To agree: Fast. In the fall, you will also see some Persönlichkeiten meiner Figur, M. Reed, in ihrer Unterschiedlichkeit hervorragend herausgearbeitet. This is where Mr. Reed is, who is at his side during his presentation, and the other is the “inside” page of the men, der sich als Biest entpuppt. A man behind Herzen and the writers and stage managers, Scott Beck and Ryan Woods, agreed: I want Mr. Reed not to be bored. And I glabe, das haben wir geschafft!

You always live up to your romantic knowledge. Yes, it’s a new experience, but it’s been in the past, and it appeared at the same time in a TV mini-series in the 80s and now it’s…

To agree: … allerdings, and I look forward to more dran bleiben sollen. I’m not sure if a single simulation device fell on the control button. If there is more “Fleisch dran”, we will say so. I had to ausserdem die schreckliche Vermutung, dass our menschliche Natur ziemlich viele scheußliche Eigenschaften hat. We can be grausam and eifersüchtig, narcissistic, gierig and gewalttätig sein. Und Schauspieler suchen immer nach dem, was in der Tiefe liegt. Freundlichkeit hingegen, befürchte ich, ist etwas Angelerntes. I see that my children have plans to ensure natural cleaning. (ironic smile)

In the film there are two young men, Jehovas, a man, who also has Mr. Reed, and a Glauben who loves them. Der broughtt als Professor wie in einer Vorlesung various Argumente für und gegen Glaubensvorstellungen et Religionen hervor. A star müssen sich die Frauen für oder gegen ihren Glauben entscheiden. How do you want to be dazu?

To agree: I fight for Leben auf der Seite des Nicht-Glaubens. But I must do it, I will do it, so that I may be richer in the other wealth.

Ihre Mutter hegte sogar mal den Wunsch, Sie würden Erzbischof werden.Wie bibelfest sie sie?

To agree: Überhaupt nicht.

Mr. Reed is a schräger type, durchäus mit Humor, and must be modified within his Besucherinnen. It benefited from pop cultural interpretations of music and cinema during the 1980s, as told in the story of the “Star Wars Saga”, which the woman never experienced. Wessen Idee war das?

To agree: Jar Jar about “Star Wars” in the book, but it’s my idea of ​​war, I imitate it. Der Humor in diesem Film dient dazu, Mr. Reed nicht als vertrockneten, übellaunigen Professor darzustellen. I don’t know, as is also the case in Germany, but I had a “funny teacher” in Britain who took care of a man in the middle of a beer or a man with a man’s parts, so that he is a little perplexed about the business and the material. my students herzustellen and als cooler Typ da zu stehen. However, this is not the case, but we do not know what to do or what we do. Often, it is humor in films that comes out, um das Leid erträglicher zu machen. This is why the Anhaltide belief in Richard Curtis’ film is perfect. (Anmerkung d. Red.: Author of “Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall” and “Notting Hill”). Die sind nämlich eigentlich alle ziemlich schmerzhaft.

If there is a risk that you may have a problem with the rolls, if there is any possible hindrance in the way we go?

To agree: Ob es wirklich hilft, white ich nicht, but I will give you my anguish in Zaum zu halten. In the 25th month my trip took place in the desert, a year or two later, a Punkt Gekommen, and I launched a panic attack and this happened. So I have a Job attached, I’m going to do it to do it.

Fans will also realize “Bridget Jones 4 – Verrückt nach ihm”, the last months in the cinema like this – more with the men in the role of the ex-Liebhaber Daniel.

To agree: And I’m very optimistic, because this is just one test trial, during the war started by the public.

Das Gespräch führte Bettina Peulecke.

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