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Tobias Abstreiter de l’U20-Bundestrainer gibt WM-Aufgebot bekannt

Tobias Abstreiter de l’U20-Bundestrainer gibt WM-Aufgebot bekannt

Tobias Abstreiter – © Sportfoto-Sale (DR)

Ottawa. (PM DEB) During a second intensive training in Charlottetown, Moncton and Ottawa (Kanada), federal U20 coach Tobias was named director of the U20 world team in Ottawa.

Insgesamt 25 Spieler bilden du WM-Aufgebot, davon three Torhüter, acht Verteidiger et 14 Stürmer.

While preparing for Sweden’s roleplay, training for the final WM robot fell. “It is for some naturally immersed in a sehr schwere Entscheidung, wer am Ende nach Hause fliegen muss,” said the U20-Bundestrainer Tobias Abstreiter. “Timo Kose is at U20 level and has work experience that makes him comfortable with it – he won the Zukunft.”

We are present in the WM organization with the Tobias coaching team, led by Jochen Molling (assistant coach), Patrick Strauch (assistant coach), Luca Endres (coach Torwart) and Christian Bachmann (sports coach).

In the Vorrundengruppe A der Junioren-Weltmeisterschaft trifft die Germany U20-Nationalmannschaft on December 26, 2024 in the United States (8:30 p.m. Deutscher Zeit), Finland (12/27/9:30 p.m.), Canada (12/30/1:30 a.m.) and Latvia (12/30/9:30 p.m.).

Tobias, from the U20 Bundestrainer, spoke about the presentation of the WM in Canada: “We have already had role-playing games in Canada absolutely, the most interesting and the most informative for our company. We are now faced with the error that occurred in the games heading to Turnier. We have identified the Bereiche, in this sense we have good Fortschritte sehen – but also the Bereiche, and denen wir arbeiten müssen. In addition, in the best of the Vorbereitung we will be in Constance experiencing a game with top international events to know them.

Federal U20 coach Tobias abstreiter zur bevorstehenden Weltmeisterschaft: “We have a Kader, with whom our Ziel Klassenerhalt achieves things. The top national games of the United States, Finland and Canada are directly linked to the top three WM games generated by the candidate titles. We will be frequently during this Duelle and möchten a good Leistung abrufen. This is why we offer you these spare parts and for jewelry near the games. We can help you with these Erkenntnissen and Anpassungen auch während des Turniers stetig weiterentwickeln et pour les abschließende Gruppenspiel gegen Lettland bestmöglich vorbereitet zu sein.

Der Spielplan der DEB-Auswahl bei der U20-Weltmeisterschaft in Ottawa (Kanada):
12/26/2024 | 8:30 p.m. (dt. Zeit) | United States – Germany
12/27/2024 | 9:30 p.m. (dt. Zeit) | Germany – Finland
30.12.2024 | 01:30 (dt. Zeit) | Canada – Germany
30.12.2024 | 9:30 p.m. (dt. Zeit) | Germany – Latvia

All German games and the Ko-Phase of the U20-Weltmeisterschaft take place live and free of charge for MagentaSport participants.

Das Aufgebot

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