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Hugh Grant as the sadistic Schurke: Das sind die Kino-Highlights der Woche

Hugh Grant as the sadistic Schurke: Das sind die Kino-Highlights der Woche

“Sonic the Hedgehog 3”, “Leisure and the big tone” and “Heretic” – a horror thriller, in which Hugh Grant as a sadistic psychopath in a Sonnyboy-Image ends with such. Das sind die Kino-Neustarts on December 26.

Wer zu Weihnachten A Hugh Grant denkt, hat wahrscheinlich vor allem “Tatsächlich … Liebe” im Sinn. L’ébenso seichte wie liebte RomCom-Klassiker von 2003 läuft an den Feiertagen im TV rauf et runter – et ghört zu jenen Filmen, the Briten einst zu Everybody’s Darling with Sonnyboy-Attitude machten. This era is unfolding, the time has come for the current roll of the 64 years: I am a klaustrophobic horror thriller “Heretic” which plays Grant a psychopath, from his sadistic breast and two young auslebt missionaries, who finds himself in a labyrinth Gefängnis in seinem Haus einsperrt. Klingt brutal et nicht sehr besinnlich, le dustere Grant kommt anscheinend gut an: Une Appointment to die Golden Globes gab es bereits.

Außerdem neu im Kino: The video adaptation “Sonic the Hedgehog 3”, in dem das Abenteuer um den kultigen blue Igel fortgesetzt wird; and French Tragikomody “Die leisen und die großen Töne”, in der 2en entfremdete Brüder durch die Music Zueinander finds.


“Tatsächlich… Liebe”, “Notting Hill”, “Bridget Jones” and “Vier” Highlights und ein Todesfall”: Lang Zeit galt Hugh Grant as the British Sonnyboy, the man for all Komödien romantic books. Gemeinsam mit Drehbuchautor et Regisseur Richard Curtis The image is already a RomCom-Dreamteam. This image was broadcast for up to 64 days in one time, and it is from the series “The Undoing” (2020). The maximum distribution of some youth films is not with the horror thriller “Heretic”. Darin verkörpert Grant a sadistic psychopath, between two missionaries in his daily life.

The young women, Schwester Barnes and Schwester Paxton (Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East), found themselves facing their research mission towards the fake house. Zunächst zeigt sich Grant qua charismatischer Bewohner des unscheinbaren Vorstadhauses, das bald zur tödlichen Falle wird, aber gewohnt charming et lädt das Duo in sein Heim ein. Was als höfliches Gespräch über Religion Beginner, verwandelt sich schnell in ein psychologisches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel. The mysterious Mr. Reed – Modellbauer and Hobbyphilosoph – created a maze of creatures and turned his attention to women, introducing two “Glaube” and one “Zweifel” into their work.

Director Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, responsible for “A Quiet Place”, made their film in an extremely klaustrophobic setting; Their figures are located through the Dunkle Flure, versteckte Fallen et endlose Räume, während ihr Vertrauen auf den eigenen Glauben auf un brutale Probe gesturellt wird. The horror thriller, premiering at the Toronto Film Festival, took place in an atmospheric atmosphere with Psychoterror.

And Hugh Grant? The current era is in the role of manipulators and psychopathic psychologists of a page ungewöhnlich düsteren – and wurde dafür mit einer Appointment to die Golden Globes Sleeping 2025. The image format is clearly visible and is very practical.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Völlig blue rasen? It’s just one: Sonic The Hedgehog. The Segas-Kult-Igel video game was made in 2020 as a real-life film with computer animation Helden and a famous film. Jim Carrey like Bösewicht seine durchaus unterhaltsame KinoPremiere and global games to more than 320 million US Dollar un – übertrumpft nur von Teil 2 with more than 331 million US Dollar. Kein Wunder, Sega and Paramount have only one cinema film: in “Sonic The Hedgehog 3”, the blue Kult-Igel and a friend Knuckles and Tails with a Schurken faced each other, increasingly unmatchable. The mysterious Antagonist Shadow The Hedgehog is the team’s greatest obstacle. A man came to the head of a man who surrendered, used Sonic and committed to a single Allianz.

For Regie Zeichnet, Jeff Fowler is sure that the Vorgänger films “Sonic the Hedgehog” (2020) and “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (2022) are set and with actions at an accelerated pace. They also wrote that the Drehbuch duo Pat Casey and Josh Miller had a long story, which is aimed at all fans of the video game. Elements of “Sonic Adventure 2” (2001) and “Shadow the Hedgehog” (2005) fly into the hand and wash retro heroes.

Besonderes Highlight: I am in English Original spricht Hollywood-Star Keanu Reeves of the Schurken Shadow, während Jim Carrey And Idris Elba Wieder dem ikonischen Bösewicht Dr. Robotnik respektive Knuckles ihre Stimmen leihen. Die Deutsche Fangemeinde freut sich indes über Julien BamSonic abermals are in sync.

Leisure and big tone

Music gehört zu Weihnachten like Baum and Braten. Daher ist es durchaus passend, dass die französische Tragikomody “Die leisen und die großen Töne” (Original title: “In fanfare”) and den Feiertagen in die deutschen Kinos kommt. Director Emmanuel Courcol (“Ein Triumph”) presents a heartwarming film about two brothers, who move away from him – and doch über die Music Zueinanderfinden.

Thibaut Désormeaux (Benjamin Lavernhe), a world leader, who did not work in the framework of a difficult social life, but also linked to the adoption and the existence of a younger brother. Jimmy (Pierre Lottin) worked in design offices in the northern French province, worked in a secondary school and played Posaune in a local Blaskapelle. When Thibaut is led by the Konzerthallen of the world, he calls Jimmy von Kleinen Momenten des Glücks.

Trotz ihrer Gegensätze verbindet die Brüder die gemeinsame Leidenschaft zur Music. Whereas Thibaut erkennt, Welches Talent in Jimmy Schlummert, sieht er die Chance, seinem Bruder das Leben zu ermöglichen, das ihm self einst verwehrt wurde. The ensemble has only one national music project – a damp place in the spirit of the times, so new perspectives appear between the brothers.

Impression: Lavernhe, in the film of the force led by the director, will be entrusted to a professional in charge of the interpretation auf die Rolle vor. Lottin, the roll of the posaunists Jimmy verkörpert, erlernte eigens für den Dreh das Instrument. I arrived in the northern French region of Hauts-de-France, where Courcol put local Blaskapellen zusammenarbeitete and therefore a realistic Klang schuf.

It will premiere at Cannes in May 2024 to select the film for broadcast and will head to numerous international festivals. Beim Fünf seen at the festival and San Sebastian Erhielt Courcol für sein Werk bijoux den Public price. Kritiker loben seine Fähigkeit, the musical Drama stets in Balance zu halten: ein Film, der Wohlfühlmomente schafft, dabei aber nie ins Kitschige oder Sentimentale abdriftet.