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“Freeze” mode: 4 Anzeichen, from the moment when emotions are frozen

“Freeze” mode: 4 Anzeichen, from the moment when emotions are frozen

4 Warning signal, when the emotion is greatest

Nachdenkliche Frau auf dem Bett: 4 Warning signal for emotional behavior

© Wayhome Studio / Adobe Stock

For all difficult interventions in childhood, you can make sure that we are in similar situations and the operations are difficult. These instructions can be used for a single emotional speech.

Is your man so überfordert, that the practical gelähmt bist? Can you get more clarity and a better plan for your purchase? Dann leidest du vermutlich an emotional Lähmung. There’s this difficult combination of anxiety, depression and health problems related to induced trauma – which happens in childhood. We have the right hat, when it comes to light, when it comes to Daseinsberechtigung it happens, when it reacts to it, when it comes to emotion. Also the Erwachsene wenden wir die erlernten Schutzmechanismen in schwierigen Situationen an – et fühlen uns wie gelähmt.

These instructions for emotional development

1. Of the hast so große Angst vor Fehlern, dass du lieber gar nichts tust

When we are kind, we have people who struggle to do it, but we are able to do it, and we are also happy to have an award for me. And were new things ausprobieren? Lieber nicht – das könnte ja schief gehen. A taste of machen? Lieber nicht – jemand könnte ihn ja nicht gut finden. When the floor is closed, it is right to say that it is right, the emotion is there, it is not possible, but it is still there.

2. Deine Gefühle sind häufig extrem

Du glauubst manchmal, deine Gefühle kaum unter Kontrolle halten zu können? Have you united with one moment or whatever is happening – and you have two things to do between the extreme and its spring? Starke Gefühlsschwankungen et Wechsel zwischen starken Emotionen and kompletter Taubheit können ebenfalls ein Anzeichen für eine emotione Lähmung sein. For everyone, when the Gefühl had, deine Gefühle überhaupt nicht regularen zu können et ihnen hilflos ausgeliefert bist.

3. You can’t handle it

Die Angst vor dem Versagen, vor Fehlern oder davor, verletzt zu werden, zeigt sich häufig also in Beziehungen. What about men, if you don’t know what you’re saying, if you don’t know what to do, if you’re too angry, what was it like? Also, there is a warning signal within, which causes emotional tension. You are in love with your life, as well as the anxiety you feel, during this test.

4. You need to freeze food

Also, the physical trigger will be triggered if the emotion is triggered. When our Psyche is overwhelmed with anxiety, it is so easy in our heart, our life is also in a “Freeze-Modus” art. You have a glimpse of the world, the best company, and the weapon or the body cannot be closer or cannot express itself more.

Emotional Lähmung: Das knnst du tun

If you are happy one or more of these points can be detected, then you can fix the problem. Severe trauma and difficult situations in the context of an emotional breakdown may be most likely to require therapy at any given time. Gemeinsam find your best way in a path, like this, with this Taubheit, can help you and with your triggers you will learn to do it.

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