
Mondor Festival

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Interview with pop singer Sasha, who has the longest breast – München

Interview with pop singer Sasha, who has the longest breast – München

There are people with hits like “If You Believe”. But Sasha will find out more. He sees a man as an actor, as a television host and watches the “Holiday On Ice” revue. With his wife there is a podcast created and two children’s books created. Was it treibt ihn an?

Mit dem Hit “If You Believe” bewies Sasha 1998, dass deutscher Popular lässig sein kann – and international erfolgreich. He is also immersed in the rockabilly-Haudegen Dick Brave or the Bigband album “This Is My Time” in a Las Vegas crooner. Zuletzt came across Sasha with more of his artist talents: as “The Voice” -Juror, as Dinosaurier “The Masked Singer” and as host of the Udo-Jürgens-Gala, before being as Comedy-Debütant in Erfolgsformat “Last.” One Laughing” and nun with „Holiday On Ice“-Shows. Nebenher macht einen Familien-Podcast und erfolgreich musical Kinderbuchprojekte zusammen mit seiner Frau Julia Röntgen, die ihm auch beim Interview zur Seite steht.