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Tierisch Formel 1: Kamel, Wolf und Hund mit 6 Beinen / Formel 1

Tierisch Formel 1: Kamel, Wolf und Hund mit 6 Beinen / Formel 1

When the first Blick falls, you’re not so sure, but you find yourself in the Royal Class, the highest levels: Tiere. Staunen Sie darüber, wie le verschiedene Logos in der Formel 1 etwas mit Tieren zu tun haben.

For a month I have to be in the presentation of the new Formel-1-Autos of Haas schmunzeln – I am the only Luftleitwerk to wage war against another Hase zu erkennen. Wrong moment, how is it happening? Haas F1’s Mike Arning tells us: “Gene’s surname came from Holland and was chosen as in Germany – Hase. Wir fanden, es wäre ganz lustig, un Haas-Hasen auf dem Auto zu haben.”

Der Hase lief schnell, but is not as schnell as the Bubble: The bubble rots from the energy drink producers Red Bull is in the last months of an event that occurred in the Grand Prix Sport, it dies in the cars of Red Bull Racing or in AlphaTauri.

The very good Formel-1-Tier test is also one of the latest tests in motorsport: the “cavallino rampante”, which is also aufbäumende Pferd von Ferrari.

The Italian Campfflieger Francesco Baracca has the Pferd auf seinem Flieger, as well as the angehörte Kavallerie-Regiment, der “Piemonte Cavalleria”. After all the Flieger-Asses put the Mutter Baraccas, the Gräfin Paolina Biancoli, the young Rennfahrer Enzo Ferrari in front, the Pferd als Glücksbringer aufs Auto zu malen.

Enzo has more with him – he has a black Pferd background with the Gelb seiner Heimatstadt Modena and has this weltberühmt logo. A Pferd für die Marke mit den vielen Pferdestärken, das passte.

Aber lief das wirklich so ab? Another theory suggests that the Baracca flight of the Pferd of a German Luftgegner abstained, from the population of Stuttgart – this city dealt in a Wappen a very first Pferd. And it’s entirely possible with Porsche in its brand emblem.

Schlange mit Kind im Mund

A Red Bull Trittbrettfahrer for the Power Horse energy drink. There is a moment in the Arrows-Rennwagen vehicle to see.

The theft of the Jägermeister Hirschkopf at EuroBrun 1989 – leider wurde dadurch der Wagen nicht schneller.

Has the Logo of Alfa Romeo been damaged? In the following link, a red circle in Weissem Grund (das sind die Farben der Stadt Mailand), is entitled to a green Schlange mit Drachenkopf et Krone, auf bleu Grund, et auch die Teil des Mailänder Stadtwappens.

Die Schlange mit Kind im Mund geht auf a Legende aus den Kreuzzügen zurück, as well as a Mitglied der Mailänder Familie Visconti bei Rom un Sarazenenfürsten totötete et dessen Wappenschild an sich nahm. Auf das Schild war angeblich un Schlange mit Kind im Mund gemalt.

At the time, Formel-1 promoter Bernie Ecclestone, from Brabham, rode the car with a vehicle as an emblem on the car.

Esso did not pack the Tiger’s Kunden in the Tank, it was flattened by the putzige Kerlchen and by the Autos of Denny Hulme or Jack Brabham.

A new version of the Logo of Chassis- and Motorsteller Matra. Matra (a “Mechanics Aviation TRaction” insurance company) works in motorsport as a driving agency (luft- und Raumfahrt, Waffensysteme) for machines. The Matra logo appears in the stolen Welsh Hahn.

There is a Jaguar or another Jaguar racing car in Formula 1. The history of Red Bull Racing is close to Jackie Stewart and the Formel-1-Rennstall “Stewart Grand Prix”. The Formel-1-Champion trio joined the 1999 team of a Ford, the US-Konzern a machte daraus Jaguar – and other guests have hinted. This is the first time that Ford has full and such tanks.

Der Adler whips viel zu kurz

A level name comes from Dan Gurney’s Formal-1-Renner: Eagle, Adler. The New Yorker is in charge of the work, like the vehicle manufacturer, with the AAR team (All American Racers, and Anglo American Racers, as well as with Climax and Westlake-Motoren in der Formel 1 gefahren wurde). Die Autos wurde nach dem American Nationaltier bezeichnet, Eagle, Adler. The Fahrzeugnasen have also denn die Eleganz eines Adlerschnabels.

Kein Bulle, because a Kampfstier is the Markenzeichen von Lamborghini. Former Ferrari designer Mauro Forghieri launched a V12 engine from 1989 to 1993 for Lamborghini, which is not unconsumed power, both in stainless steel and fuel. The group is led by the GP-Rennstall of Gérard Larrousse for training, at Lotus, Ligier, of the Modena-Team at Minardi. While Chrysler-Lamborghini tested Ayrton Senna on Lambo in a McLaren in September 1993.

Klar hatte die Formel 1 con un einsamen Wolf: Teambesitzer Walter Wolf.

A dog with sechs Beinen

The logo of the Langjährigen Ferrari-Partners Agip is a sechsbeiniger dog, der Feuer speit. What do you think? Weil damit vier Räder plus 2 Beine des Fahrers symbolizes werden sollen.

A dog got Katzen, but the Agip did, before Renault 2017 fell into the Aero-Cat – a Luftleit-Element, like a Katze was killed. It’s a joke.

Hübsch turned to the Kingfisher-Eisvogel as an advisor for the uncovered beer market, with Force India at the wheel.

And Red Bull Racing has a place with its beer business – for the Thai Singha market with its well-known laws. It was not the elegance of the Löwenbräu-McLaren that went to the home of Jan Lammers’ 1979er Shadow with Samson’s Löwenkopf.

Klar darf yesterday auch das Kamel von Camel nicht fehlen, mit welchen die Rennwagen von Lotus et Williams antraten.

Eddie Jordan’s third shot

And it was aggressive towards Jordan before: the 1997 war was a hard blow for Renner in a pattern that saw him, launched a Hornisse, letztlich a Hai. Wo Benson & Hedges doesn’t have a rich name, but it has to deal with Buzzin Hornets (summende Hornissen).

Lord Hesketh is not ready to approach the Teddybär knife for his Formel-1-Abenteuer in the mid-70s with James Hunt at the Markenzeichen. Später prangte auf dem weissen Hesketh auch ein Seepferdchen.

Ehren-Nennungen: Die Spinne von Arrows-Sponsor Ceramiche Ragno, le papagei von Glasurit (ebenfalls auf dem Arrows) et le Känguru von Freizeitbekleidungs-Hersteller Australian, who is not your personal sponsor of Lotus-Star Elio de Angelis war, ne will not be also Geldgeber of the Spirit-Rennstalls. And of course Micky Maus (or the Italian department of Topolino, also Mäuschen) on Emerson Fittipaldi’s Spirit-Rennwagen.

Last but not least: Rennstallgründer Bruce McLaren stammte aus Neuseeland. Logisch, dass auf seinem Rennwagen das Nationaltier als Markenzeichen auftauchte, der Kiwi. McLaren is a tradition: the Kiwi once again has a party on Rennwagen Square. Auf dem 2024er Siegerwagen im Constructeurs-Pokal.