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These 5 unheimlich brilliant films machen 2024 for one of the best horror films are in Langem for me

These 5 unheimlich brilliant films machen 2024 for one of the best horror films are in Langem for me

2024 offers a grand spectacle of grandiose horror films, which turn out to be absolutely absolute. For me, it was me who clearly understood Gewinner.

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Das Kinojahr 2023 is planned for my horror film, like Flaute heraus, was enttäuschungen like “Evil Dead Rise”, “The Nun 2” And “The Exorzist: Bekenntnis” geschuldet ist. The following light images are displayed “Pearl” dar, der sich als mein Film-Highlight des vergangenen Jahrs entpuppte. The strengthening of “Pearl” in 2022, which started yesterday until 2023 in cinemas.

One day I’m bigger than my Freude, starting in 2024, and we have the best years for horror films today. My Top 5 stars I got here, I fell there. For ranking, here you will find a video that appears in a preview of a horror film, which arrived in this year:

This gives me my Top 5 horror films in 2024

5. “A quiet place: Tag Eins”

von “A quiet place: Tag Eins” erwartete je ehrlich geschrieben nicht viel, sous anderem aufgrund der Tatsache, dass “A quiet place”-Regisseur John Krasinski of the Regiestuhl für das Prequel abgab. The description of Lupita Nyong’o (“Black Panther”) and Joseph Quinn (“Gladiator 2”) weckten jedoch meine Neugier. The original “Tag Eins” function is also transmitted to the Ebony of the protagonist’s sympathy*. There are no allergies here to an Überleben kämpfende family, but a woman in the rank of krebskranke, who is on the day of the Apocalypse revealed by an evil in the difficult life and the spouses of her parents in New York. Mich hat der Film deutlich emotioner berührt als gedacht et I take it as durchhaus gelungene Erweiterung der “A Quiet Place” -Reihe. “A Quiet Place: Tag Eins” is not the latest version of the streaming service, but it is not included in the streaming service. to Prime Video for only 4.99 euros.

4. “Heretic”

“Heretic” War is this year with the absence of the film, in my opinion in the cinema, I am unwohlsten gefühlt habe – and we thought that Hugh Grant could be so bad inside? Wie die meisten Kenne ich Grant be the charming Helden aus romantischen Komödien wie Notting HillWas vermutlich dazu beigetragen hat, dass sein Charakter wahrlich angsteinflößend ist. Sein Charisma verliert er in “Heretic” jedoch glücklicherweise nicht, was seinen Charakter umso interessanter macht. The Schauspiel of Sophie Thatcher (“The yellow vests”) and Chloe East (“The Fabelmans”) I think I came across all the masses überzeugen, was under anderem zu dem Unbehagen beigetragen hat, das ich während meiner Sichtung empfand. “Heretic” will be released in theaters on December 26, 2024.

3. “The First Omen”

“The First Omen” erschien gerade rechtzeitig, because my Bachelorarbeit zum thema der Protagonistin im Gothic Horror eingereicht habe, weswegen je mich besonders freute, mein neu erlerntes Wissen im Kino gedanklich anzuwenden. “Das erste Omen” has a grandiose setting of Gothic Horror, but it doesn’t last long enough, but it still doesn’t seem to be in the movie theater but it doesn’t have to be used. Im Gegensatz zu beispielsweise “The Exorzist: Bekenntnis” schaffte is “Das erste Omen” one of the horror icons aufleben zu lassen and their short stories Leben einzuuhauchen. Das Erfolgsrezept: die Darstellung einer erzählenswerten Geschichte, die das Original sinnvoll ergänzt. “Das erste Omen” is on Disney+ like Stream broadcast.

2. “The substance”

In “The substance” bin ich recht unvoreingenommen gegangen. I mean it, dass die letzte halbe Stunde wilder Wahnsinn sein soll – was Freuding bestätigen kann. So brilliant that Body-Horror is incarnate and I don’t need it yet. A glimpse of what’s going on in horror is interesting stuff (ha!) or another version of the horror war, which is that of the other actor, who infiltrated the film industry in one of his greatest scenarios. For me and others like Demi Moore, Elizabeth Sparkles’ Rolle is about to work, for her out-of-control war Darbietung, because her Rolle is personal to Herzen. Die Metapher des Films wurde absolut gelungen umgesetzt et je suis dans l’Anschluss meiner trois Filmsichtungen innerhalb einer Woche direct ain ganzes Essay zum Film verfassen können. “The Substance” awaits you with a Mitgliedschaft bei MUBI or else MUBI Prime-Video Channel streamer.

1. “MaXXXine”

Next is the Prequel of “X”-Reihe “Pearl” on Platz 1 my favorites of the month 2023 took place, I have great efforts, the Abschlusswerk der Reihe falls on a place in my current Top 3. Platz 1 meiner Favoriten des Jahres besetzt “MaXXXine” zwar nicht, dafür aber Platz 2 et Platz 1 zumindest dans dieser Liste. “MaXXXine” is for me a tribute to the Slasher genre, so like that “La La Terre” eine Homage an das Musical-Genre darstellt. Mia Goth played the role of Maxine Minx in “X” with another Evil and an incredible result, which allowed her active characters to venture into the horror genre. I had chances to see “MaXXXine” in the third time of the cinema and film, which takes place twice in the work, and I am still a little indifferent to Male auf der großen Leinwand which takes place completely. Falls ihr “MaXXXine” is shown, it is included in the work to Prime Video for only 4.99 euros. The stand was the Highlight, the “MaXXXine” this year for my war, with an interview, which took me to another place with Mia Goth and Stage Manager Ti West to last. The interview awaits you here:

No more horror films in 2024, my events are mixed up “Smile 2”, “I saw the TV glow” Sowie “Long legs”. Enttäuschungen – mit Ausnahme von “Alien: Romulus” – it’s for me that it’s that day. But I myself can not do it, jeden Horrorfilm aus 2024 gesehen zu haben. Beispielsweise sind mir “Immaculate” And “Cuckoo” leider entgangen.

And in 2025 we will have a renaissance of the horror scene experienced by man, who will be one of the other most popular people:

What do you think of your own horror film? Test all your knowledge with this quiz:

Hollywood stars: Nur Fans saw, in the most recent horror film and your film debut takes place

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