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Booklet: Planet Aqua – Our home in the new world

Booklet: Planet Aqua – Our home in the new world

“Planet Aqua” is a fascinating, but also in the past, which is the origin of one of the most dangerous global problems: the water bottle in the middle of the water and the water source of air conditioners . It is the easiest for the surleben and the entwicklung der menschheit, with Rifkin. And so the Zugang zu Wasser in naher Zukunft nicht nur eine ökologische, sondern auch eine social et wirtschaftliche Frage von zentraler Bedeutung sein wird.

Keine leichte Kost, for a real “deep dive”

Please note that this is not the case: Das Buch ist keine leichte Kost. This is a reading book, with the authors of the austinanderzusetzen authors and it is not in the gut of the gem. But do you agree with the following: How is Rifkin entitled to a security council? Is the situation dramatic and has it been dramatic at present?

Das Buch is equally interested in men and women, global companies and the zwischen Umwelt, Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft companies that interest them. However, the perspective is still life-saving, and even if the temperature changes, the climate rises and darauf, if it is with the Ressource Wasser zusammenhängen. This is a man who must be part of a reference work on the issue of water and in a global suite.

Von der Analyze zur Vision

“Planet Aqua” is just one object of a complex life through the water bottle world. The author is also present, such as the hot water pipe in extreme humid areas, which is the origin of the drinking water robot. The current time is that, like global society, global society is very close to these border conflicts – from the political space around global catastrophe to social humanity. Insgesamt ist the Analyze, die bekannt ist, whenn man sich mit the Thema beschäftigt. Please note that the Buch im ersten There is a gut response to the problem.

I have two other ideas that are also visionary: the center is on the eve of the forefront, like menstruation if it goes through the next stage of the rise of water. Rifkin strives to find another nomadentum modern art with mobile city structures. It is a reading of a science fiction genre and – if one wants the film-brille absetzt – a research, the overall flow of flow is more difficult to manage. But why is there nothing bad beyond the Kiste and the Dinge ganz anders denken? Rifkins Ideas regen jedenfalls zum Grübeln et zum Streiten an. The book is based on analysis and analysis, and it is important to reflect on the structure of our company and how it is a global company.

A umfassender Ritt through the zippers

This is an example of the following: Rifkin has economic ideas, social policies, or natural natural policies, and he is seeking an answer to an economic policy question. That’s where I’m bad anymore, bad weniger gut gelungen. And that was my opinion, when it came to scientific arguments from people and other things, and it was an esoteric esotericism that changed those things. Aber wie gesagt: Das Buch regt dadurch eben auch zum Mitdenken und Auseinandersetzen mit den Ideen des Auteurs an. For everyone, the topic of the theme is the most appropriate, this is the book that will help you discuss climate and finding resources.

We have a little more detail: A major perspective, from Rifkin in the theme “Planet Aqua”, is the idea of ​​”water diplomacy”. It is described, like the Länder, by the available drinking water resources, thanks to a strategic planning process and innovative cooperation agencies. This vision of global development is a proactive idea in the book. One of the most dystopian things is how water is used for digital foods. Worldwide, in artisan resources, it is time for water – like energy – to be a day above digital platforms and Blockchain technology used and managed.

The strict Vordenker

Author Jeremy Rifkin is an American political advisor, environmental advocate, activist, and policy advisor. It is a work on themes, energy and social solutions. Rifkin has also been supported by regulation and politics, he is publishing – and this in the United States, Europe and China. The author’s statement is also not explicit: In the Vergangenheit there is another method, a clear argument and a critical provocative analysis. Golden Dennoch is also an einflussreicher Denker, dessen Werke wichtige Diskussionen über ökologische et ökonomische Herausforderungen anstoßen haben.

Futter für die gray Zellen

Abschließend bleibt zu sagen, dass das Buch es schafft, gleichzeitig inspirierend, frustrierend, aufrüttelnd et controvers au sein. It is a right to read, as I find it. Was this my concern in managing water and climate change. Rifkin describes a water mixture, as the water mixture is not ecological, but it is also social and wirtschaftliche Konflikte schürt. This solution can be taken into account, as the problem is already present. The analysis of the complex and fragmentary analysis of the work is the reason why this Blickwinkel gave rise to the question of the theme at the level of forward perspective.

Insgesamt ist “Planet Aqua” is also an empfehlenswertes Buch for all fasting, which is also included in the contents of the book. It is indeed about autumn and the water supply for interesting discussions on the climate and the water tap.

Die Daten zum Buch
Jeremy Rifkin: Planet Aqua. Our home in the neu denken universe. Aus dem Englischen von Jürgen Neubauer. Campus-Verlag 2024, 304 pages, €32, ISBN 9783593519364