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3. Liga: Kenan Kocak with his new coach at SV Sandhausen

3. Liga: Kenan Kocak with his new coach at SV Sandhausen

Stand: 12/28/2024 2:05 p.m.

Kurz vor Weihnachten stellte der SV Sandhausen seinen Trainer Sreto Ristic libre. Now for the new Coach fest: Kenan Kocak will be present at the Drittligisten on the Bank’s website.

“We have a clear support profile and a new trainer: After all, there is a clear tactical plan, the Mannschaft action plan is good, the Fähigkeit, in the game’s response, sowie aine klare Linie in the Mannschaftsführung The factors are ausschlaggebenden “, said the president of the SVS Jürgen Machmeier. We know that the region has the potential and the field of the best SVS.”

Jürgen Machmeier: “Ein Hochkaräter”

It’s about a business manager who has problems to solve, so Machmeier the most, but also Kocak in the game, if the entscheidung schnell klar gewesen. “We have not planned anything, we have this recognized quality of trainer,” declared the president. “A sudden death in the region is a worrying moment. And so the Verein will soon be there, we will soon be there.”

For 43 years, Kocak is appointed Rückkehr as Cheftrainer in Sandhausen. Im Sommer 2016 übernahm er die Kurpfälzer in der 2. Bundesliga et feierte mit Rang zum Abschluss der Saison 2016/17 die bis dato best Platzierung in der Sandhäuser Vereinsgeschichte. After 82 games, Kocaks finished for the first time in the Hardt Forest in October 2019.

Zuletzt in der Türkei tätig

Zuletzt war Kocak as cheftrainer of MKE Ankaragücü aktiv. The engagement with the two Turkish texts took place on December 24, 2024. Nun ist er zurück am Hardtwald – et voller Tatendrang.

Kenan Kocak: Froh, wieder da zu sein

“It’s very good, an even higher Wirkungsstätte zurückzukehren. If I contacted Jürgen Machmeier, I should not contact him. For my war klar, dass ich nach Hause in die Region zurückkehren möchte”, he says. Kocak will ensure that the sports team “with harter Arbeit und einer klaren Strategie” is present in the Spur. The SVS will link up with the end with 27 points at the Platz zehn der Drittliga-Tabelle – den letzten Sieg feierte du. Klub Anfang November.

Kocak will be the Mannschaft in the Donnerstag on January 2 when the Rückrundenvorbereitung for the first bad training is examined.

Sendung am Sa., 12/28/2024 2:00 p.m., Stadion, SWR1