
Mondor Festival

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Base-Jumper-Doku “Fly” by National Geographic

Base-Jumper-Doku “Fly” by National Geographic

Gleich in the first minute of the documentation “Fly – Ein Leben für den Sprung” gives a whole. In a historical cinema from 1912 we see the man of the aviation pilot Franz Reichelt, who has an art museum of the Eiffel Tower, in the hoffnung, which caused the trauma of the flights. That’s what I don’t have. A month of activity spans 5,000 active people from all over the world in one activity, the trauma of the Reich is caused. The “Base Jumper” is designed with Fallschirmen and Wingsuits from Gebäuden, Brücken and Klippen (the acronym BASE is used for “Buildings, Antennae, Spans, Earth”). And they had just embarked on the connection with Franz Reichelt with their lives. A “Base Fatality List” published on the Internet since 1981 includes more than 500 victims; In this month there are all 32. In “Fly” we will teach more men that, like the Abspann festival, there is no more life.

“Sonst frisst er dich auf und zerstört dich”

It’s a sport where the man is respectful and strives to adapt, according to Basejumper Scotty Bob Morgan. “Sonst frisst er dich auf und zerstört dich.” Morgan est un des deux Springerns, denen die Filmemacher Christina Clusiau et Shaul Schwarz über sieben Jahre gefolgt sind. We have all the photojournalists there are and have the Documentary Films covered. In “Fly” you will be able to enjoy the visual fascination of men and women.

You risk losing your risk with a maximum risk: two Base Jumpers on the other side.
You risk losing your risk with a maximum risk: two Base Jumpers on the other side.National geographic

We’ll see flights through the Swiss Alps or the Red Rocks in the American Southwest. In one Szene flight 2 Wingsuiter so tief über eine Schweizer Wiese, dass sie wie Düsenjets klingen; Die Blumen werden vom Luftzug geschüttelt. “Unglaublich,” said a traveler, the flight fell. “Sie tun uns leid, weil in so kurzer Zeit three von ihnen umgekommen sind. » A young man said: “Yes, die sind verrückt. Aber es sieht nach wahnsinnig viel Spaß aus.“

“Wir machen etwas Phänomenales”

The films from Clusiau and Schwarz position themselves like Beobachter and leave broader propositions about this sport without comment. You should then turn the handle of the Hobby Actor to the following nuts – with unterschiedlichen Konsequenzen. Während Marta Espinotti and Jimmy Pouchert as “Altvordere” – Marta has come out more in the last three months – new clothes and a gift for all aspects of security, according to Morgan, as Leute started, for aufnahmen speculators zu bezahlen. Plötzlich stand die Frage im Raum, “durch welche haarsträubenden Engen, wie nah am Terrain” man fliegen könnte, “um die Welt zu schocken und zu beeindrucken”. Vieles, sagt seine Ehefrau et Mit-Fliegerin Julia Botelho im Gespräch mit der FAZ, drehe sich ums Ego. “Dabei machen wir doch schon etwas absolut Phänomenales: Fliegen!”, he said and let go.

Two basic jumber in free fall.
Two basic jumber in free fall.National geographic

The images of the images are getting bigger and bigger, for the ecstasy of nachzuvollziehen flights. Jimmy Pouchert describes the flights as “absolute insurance”, from black “unermesslichem Glücksgefühl” to Espen Fadnes, a Norwegian national, from his friend Freundin Amber Forte, who sees him. In one scene, Scotty Morgans Mutter said into the camera that he did it, and that his Leidenschaft had nothing to do with it. Manchmal sei sie sogar ein bisschen neidisch: “Je hätte germen ein kleines Stück davon. »

But the movie was never as simple as Base Jumping. There is detailed information on the most difficult and difficult settings and tasks. The Schrecken, the Springer has fallen, when another is not on the Landeplatz auftaucht, geht in die Knochen. And then you can see the adrenaline of Aufnahmen, die Clusiau and Schwarz zusammenstellten, Schwer entziehen.

Christina Clusiau said in the FAZ program, a friend of Springers and Shaul Schwarz in the Basejumper scene. A group of specialists analyzed these falls to ensure the safety of the sport. But if you have one, you must see the films angelicts of the risks damit rechnen mussten, the protagonists sterben könnten. Das habe es sehr schwer gemacht, sagt sie, als bloße Beobachter dabei zu sein. Indes gebe sich niemand Illusionen darüber hin, dass die un sehr egoistisches Unternehmen sei.

Julia Botelho and Scotty Morgan are in another Sohnes family. It took a spring study to happen, telling Scotty, the risk is minimal at this time. “While the young man can have a good car trip, but the man fährt anders, when the man is a kind auf der Rückbank hat. »

Fly – An activity for spring It will be released on December 30 at 8:15 p.m. on National Geographic, to benefit from Magenta TV, Vodafone and in April on Disney+.