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NBA: Capela and Hawks face Sieg at Folge

NBA: Capela and Hawks face Sieg at Folge

Elf Punkte and zwölf Rebounds against Clint Capela at 136:107-Sieg against the Raptors in the NBA. The Toronto team ties Atalanta at the rest stand.

The German businessman in the Canadian war against Atlanta was perfect for a series of his two parties in the Fremde. Les Hawks lagen die gegenwärtigen Dauerverlierer nie in Rückstand. The Raptors must be in the NBA when it comes to other players.

Capela steuerte 11 Punkte et 12 Rebounds bei. Erfolgreichster Werfer war one more Trae Young. Der Gard hatte neben 10 Assists 34 Punkte in seiner persönlichen Balance sheet stehen.