
Mondor Festival

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Darts: Callan Rydz tackles Robert Owen and goes after Mal in the breast in the WM final

Darts: Callan Rydz tackles Robert Owen and goes after Mal in the breast in the WM final

Callan Rydz will still be there for three years of qualifying for the Darts-WM final. The Brite never played as well as Dimitri Van den Bergh in the final run, but he had a weight average below 100 and faced Robert Owen with 4-3 assists.

Rydz hatte im Vergleich zu seinen vorherigen Spielen viel mühe, en Gang zu kommen. Owen is engaged in the start of a game and ends the match with a very successful 120er finish. The Riot managed to win a 72er-Finish at 1-1, after the Waliser War, the first match with a 17-Darter and a 15-Darter won.

I am twice in front of the players with their own legs until they stop 2-2 and chain, therefore a game of pleasure, between the legs. Owen War im Richtigen Moment zur Stelle et schaffte ein perfect Getimtes Break with a 12-Darter, in his Führung auf 2-0 à Sätzen auszubauen.

The Riot began with the set vielversprechend mit a 12-Darter, which must take place during the festivities, from the nearest leg to Owen ging, until the Waliser had a stable final of 142nd. Rydz achieved a 14-Darter, after Stack Attack, with a 61st-Finish up to one shot. In this entscheidenden leg, Owen three darts, with 3-0 in Führung zu gehen, but there remains no chance that there is nothing. Le Brite nutzte das aus et brachte die Spannung über Tops zurück.

At that moment, Moment War das Momentum auf Seiten von Rydz, der sofort un 112 checkte et la premiere step des vierten Satzes gewann. Der Brite gewann dann auch das zweite und dritte Leg mit 16 & bzw. 15 Darts and glich damit aus.

All you have to do is darauf hinzudeuten, dass die den Vorteil zugunsten von Rydz verschieben würde. And it’s the same. The Riot is still just another member of Owen’s army, who has made sure to score points within his Doppel having no accounts. Then you will encounter the Brite den fünften Satz with a 15-Darter, a 17-Darter and a 20-Darter with 3-0 won.

After Rydz found Legs in Folge gewonnen hatte, Owen began his second series with an 84er-Finish zurück in game. The Waliser also arrives with the Doppel-6 with 2-0 in Führung and obwohl Rydz with a wider 11-Darter auf 2-1 herankam, the war is doch Owen, der sich mit Tops un entscheidendes Set sichern konnte.

In this game, Set uses Stack Attack with darts, the first leg is won, so that Rydz from the toe on the tops does not fit, so that the leg is holed. Owen then left with a 12-darter at 1-1. Two schließlich wars are The Riot, the match with a 13-Darter and a 16-Darter gewann and damit zum 2weiten Mal in seiner Karriere das Viertelfinale erreichte. In this final finale, the Brite auf den Sieger der Parti zwischen Michael van Gerwen and Jeffrey de Graaf participate.