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SoundCloud Go mit Siri writes: songs on HomePod and Co. listened to – so that’s it

SoundCloud Go mit Siri writes: songs on HomePod and Co. listened to – so that’s it


If you have your own music in SoundCloud Go on Apple HomePod and you listen to Siri, you need to listen to it during your last few minutes. So you need the configuration.

SoundCloud Go mit Siri explained: Songs on HomePod and Co. listened to - so that's it

Während HomePod Apples Siri support for everyone Music streaming services vermissen lässt, habt ihr als Nutzer:innen des Services SoundCloud Go Grund, zu lächeln. SoundCloud Go is no problem with Siri compatibility, so it can be used with the Bluetooth speaker used for Apple’s HomePod.

The presumption of the situation is itself, it’s your turn to die SoundCloud app auf eurem Smartphone benutzt. Außerdem solltet ihr darauf achten, dass in the installation steps of iOS smartphones configured “Hey Siri” East. The answer can be as direct as possible.

SoundCloud Go with Siri enabled

  1. SoundCloud with Siri listened to SoundCloud with Siri listened to


    I ask you to have an explanation, saying “Hey Siri, play SoundCloud”. Optionally, you now need to make sure Siri is connected to your date in SoundCloud GO. No, you can use them in a European way and use them in the app easily.

If you have songs to listen to directly on SoundCloud Go from your Apple HomePod, you should listen to them on your iPhone, with the smart speaker.

What does that mean? We have the same idea in another article, like you Apples HomePod via Bluetooth connection.

A detailed description of Siri on SoundCloud

When your SoundCloud is using tech support, the next thing you need to do is make sure the command with “Hey Siri” starts. Damit also stets the richtige Musikstreamingdienst ausgewählt wird, soltet ihr am End “auf SoundCloud” hinzufügen. Below is an interesting explanation for managing SoundCloud via Siri:

  • “Hey Siri, talk about Nothing Else Matters by Metallica on SoundCloud.”
  • “Hey Siri, say my Lieblingslieder on SoundCloud.”
  • “Hey Siri, play the Buzzing Electronic Playlist on SoundCloud.”
  • “Hey Siri, shall we sing this song?”
  • “Hey Siri, what’s the song?”
  • “Hey Siri, pause music on SoundCloud.”
  • “Hey Siri, listen to this song on SoundCloud.”

Darüber hinaus gibt es noch weitere Sprachbefehle. Then, when your action is difficult, you will react to Sprachassistentin as gewünscht. This is actually a simple test run, for a while, which was easiest with Siri and SoundCloud.

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