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Eishockey: the Österreicherinnen lived the life of the PWHL

Eishockey: the Österreicherinnen lived the life of the PWHL

There are no two Austrian legionnaires in the second season of the new companies, a profile of women in North America to establish it, therefore. There are several teams in the Walter Cup competitions and the clubs today had the preview of the National Hockey League (NHL) under their name. Thus, the Schafzahl heuer für Boston Fleet auf Torjagd, Meixner can be established by Ottawa Charge. The big players are the Minnesota Frost, and the Toronto Scepters are also the New York Sirens and the Montreal Victory with the title revealed.

“Im Großen et Ganzen hat es relativ gut funktioniert, dafür, dass es so kurzfristig organisiert wurde. War is cool, in the big gaming arenas, it’s the old players from the Hall. The best players from all over the world are now, the level is very high,” said Schafzahl in the preview of the first season of the first season of the Spätsommer 2023 in the Leben Gerufenen PWHL. Heuer wurde der Spielplan aufgrund der erfolgreichen ersten Season also etwas ausgeweitet. There are 24 hours and 30 games in the Grunddurchgang.

Fans at a Minnesota Damen-Eishockeymannschaft game in St. Paul

AP/Abbie Parr

The PWHL is still alive, and there are over 19,000 fans flying to the stadium in Minnesota

Also the Interest of the Fans tragt dem Rechnung. Laut Amy Scheer, assistant vice president of La Liga, joined each of her teams in purchasing more than 50 season tickets. “Das ist schon mal ein guter Start,” Scheer said. The geographic popularity of the entire North American region of Osten is exploited by the Champions League, and it has new money games in the current activities of the PWHL clubs, but with the NHL teams ausgestatteten Städten . So Gastiers Schafzahl moved to Boston and went to Montreal in Seattle and sleeps in the Hall of the NHL Kraken. Also in Vancouver and Buffalo (New York) are in Raleigh in the South of the United States Bundesstaat in North Carolina to find a game.

Schafzahl will take the title

Schafzahl, le 3. Jänner das überhaupt erste Tor in der Geschichte des Bostoner PWHL-Teams erzielt hatte, hatte for ihre zweite saison ihr Ziel jedenfalls klar definiert. In the meantime, the Steirerin and its fans, die als letzte in Play-off gerutscht war, am End in der Finalserie et musste sich Minnesota first in letzten Spiel du “Best of five” geschlagen geschlagen. Heuer soll der Spieß als Fleet umgedreht werden. “Als Ziel wollen wir natürlich den Walter Cup gewinnen. Vergangene Saison aben wir das letzte Spiel verloren. But that’s how Knapp thought to give him real motivation for the new season,” Schafzahl said.

Two Österreicherinnen im Fokus

Vor dem Saisonauftakt in the North American Eishockey profile of the Frauen steht aus österreichischer Sicht ein Duo im Fokus. Wife Theresa Schafzahl of the Boston fleet, as a gold, is the new Anna Meixner of Ottawa’s charge for its debts.

The potential awaits you after three rounds and several assists in 28 auch bei sich matches. “Individually I will have a good season, in the team will have a big roll and more offensive attacks”, so the 24-Jährige, die in his first season with injury problems difficult to do. On that day, “more damage, more assists” will be done, because Schafzahl “more situations for tricks and more in special situations like Powerplay and Penalty-Killing more time is possible.”

A true standard of immunity is given to Boston for an event at a golf tournament in Toronto, spawned by the Scepters, with two entertainment titles from the Minnesota Frost in Lowell, which were hosted by Boston for the historic tournament. Toronto has been named Frühjahr den Grunddurchgang on the Platz once, but in the first round of the Play-offs. “You have the best team and we have a chance to live with the Mannschaft within. New York has the heart to work, because it is the largest Verbesserung zu erwarten”, so Schafzahl, the other day, only one level of level is implemented. “Aus dem College and in Europe sind zusätzlich starke Spielerinnen dazu gekommen, die Mannschaften sind dadurch noch besser”, meinte Schafzahl.

Meixner freut sich auf “spektakuläre Erfahrungen”

Ottawa’s Downtown Ottawa management team is holding out with Anna Meixner not in the lead for the Austrian team, and she is also a player in Swiss La Liga history in the direction of Boot. Im Vorbereitungscamp wusste die Salzburgerin, die als insgesamt 32. im Draft ausgewählt wurde, in ihrem einzigen Testspiel mit einem Tor and ainem Assist bereits zu überzeugen, der Sprung in den Kader war am Ende nur Formsache.

the hockey tournament of the Austrian team Anna Meixner

GEPA/Daniel Goetzhaber

Meixner, here in Teamtrikot, participates in a single test for the new current season

There are 30-year holidays at the Samstag in Montreal for your start. “This is all new to me, I think all I can do is I can,” Meixner told ORF. The older brother of the PWHL contractor has the following response: “The efforts were carried out on my Ebony specialists. » The first entrepreneur in Montreal, who is then hanging on the child “Ausverkauft” in Kassa, is paying more than $10,000 in expenses and expenses. erwartet. A statistical roll will allow Meixner to fall with Ottawa without a game: “Jeder, der Eishockey spielt oder eine Mannschaftssportart ausübt, geht auf Gold and not auf Silber oder Bronze. »

Für Rat und Tat steht jedenfalls Nationalteamkollegin Schafzahl jederzeit zur Verfügung. “I see myself often, Anna (Meixner, Anm.) also came here in the La Liga game. It’s not the only team, but I’m going to see it and make it play,” said Steirerin. The first Austrian duel in the PWHL is led by three women. On December 17, the charge returns to Boston for the fleet attack.