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Sales in South Korea: Ölstaaten verhindern Plastik-Abkommen

Sales in South Korea: Ölstaaten verhindern Plastik-Abkommen

Basel taz | Vorerst kein international Abkommen gegen die Vermüllung des Planeten mit Plastik: Am Sonntag ist in the South Korean Großstadt Busan an UN-Conferenz zu Ende gegangen, die ein solches hätte verabschieden sollen. “Our work is still today, fertig zu sein,” said Verhandlungsleiter Luis Vayas of Ecuador.

The states of the world have planned, for two years, a sale of plastic products, a truck for the manufacture of plastic products auf international Ebene zu koordinieren. Dieses Abkommen sollte den “vollen Lebenszyklus” von Plastik abdecken, von der Herstellung über die Weiterverarbeitung bis schließlich zur Entsorgung.

Doch genau das wolten einige wenige Länder verhindern et haben sich damit vorerst durchgesetzt. Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran have already been established and plastic production by the Abkommen is regulated. Oils are of interest, as my plastic is oil based. Aktuell dienen zwölf Prozent des geförderten Rohöls der Herstellung von Kunststoffen.

Without any delay, this is not the case at the US-Universität Berkeley in the USA, but also in plastic fibers in the last two years so that it is not in German. Until 2050, there is a way to improve. Older Ländernde sehen in Plastik daher ainen neuen Großabnehmer for ihr Product, wenn immer more Elektroautos die Nachfrage nach Benzin et somit Öl senken. And so Vayas has no other way to deal with training on the activities of a conference conference.

The state of the state is based on the Abkommen

Noreen O’Meara from the British University of Surrey takes care of Vayas Entscheidung as “logistics”. “A meeting for compromise is such a thing,” I am told. Although a city of Rennes had time to adapt, the progressive Länder created the Bremsern region through numerous zugeständnisse machines.

It is possible to take a very broad measure in the Länder for a safe environment, because it is also clear that this is a reduction in plastic production. Für den Beschluss reichte es trotzdem nicht: Es golden nicht das Mehrheits-, sondern das Konsensprinzip.

The Norwegian Völkerrechtler Magnus Løvold has daher vorgeschlagen, sich davon zu lösen and einfach ohne die Bremserstaaten un Abkommen zu schließen. “The big page is the strong schrittliche Mehrheit den Mut aufbringen wird, aus der erdrückenden Konsenskultur auszubrechen et den Vertrag durchzusetzen,” he says. Dies ist nicht geschehen.

United States at Schlingerkurs

War group attacks US shutdown. These measures must be taken into account in the rules applicable to plastic production. Can I see Joe Biden’s rule so it’s possible to do this later.

“I am in August, says the White House, the measures taken to reduce plastic production according to needs,” said John Hocevar of the US-American part of the global organization Greenpeace. “The details are not taken into account, but they are clearly formulated. »

The first part of the story is that of both women and men: “These women were created because they have the same production in the spotlight,” Hocevar said. It will also be necessary to take into account the new position of the American government when Donald Trump takes office on January 20.

Wir würden Ihnen hier gerne einen externaln Inhalt zeigen. If you entscheiden, ob sie this Element is also visible:

If you do not want to lose weight, you will lose any loss of plastic without a reduction in production. Plastic cannot be recycled. Of the 16,000 verschiedenen Zusatzstoffen, die Plastic die gewünschten Eigenschaften verleihen, von der Farbe bis zur Elastizität. Daher werden global nur ne un Prozent des Plastiks wiederverwertet.

A number of plastic products were produced at one time from 460 million tonnes of plastic in Flüsse, See and Meere. Die plasticproduktion verursacht zudem rund fünf Prozent der globalen CO2-Emissions. These emissions can be avoided by 90 percent during the production of plastic products. As soon as the mixture and new plastic leaks, they also risk leaking emissions. Ob das gelingen kann, zeigt die nächste UN-Plastikkkonferenz.