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Donald Trump launched his own perfume – and introduced Jill Biden

Donald Trump launched his own perfume – and introduced Jill Biden


Provocative marketingDonald Trump launched his own perfume – and introduced Jill Biden

With “Fight, Fight, Fight”, Donald Trump is a new flavor on the market. First Lady Jill Biden’s provocative work is right there.

Karin Leuthold
  • Donald Trump introduced a perfume line called “Fight, Fight, Fight” to the market.

  • The price is for 199 dollars and symbolizes the Trump Kampfgeist.

  • This is a product of First Lady Jill Biden.

US President-elect Donald Trump featured First Lady Jill Biden in a post about his new perfumes and colognes. “Ein Duft, dem deine Feinde nicht broadstehen können!” Trump said on the social media platform Truth Social under an image of the trendy Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. In the photos of Trump and the First Lady, we don’t have to worry about the reality – I see Jill Biden Trump herzlich an.

Auf den Flaschen prangeren Trumps Gesicht et seine erhobene Faust, die an den Attentatversuch auf ihn am 13. Juli bei einer Kundgebung in Butler, Pennsylvania, erinnern. Während an allusion to the Feuerwehrmann man who realized that Trump was a real Verletzung on the right.

“Sie hätte nicht netter sein können. Sie war sehr nett et wir hatten ein sehr nets Gespräch.”

Donald Trump

Die Parfümlinie soll an Trumps Wahlsieg erinnern. The “Fight, Fight, Fight” production line is available on the website as a product “for patriots, who don’t rely on President Trump.” The eau de Cologne costs $199 (175 francs) and is sold out. If one of these products is purchased, there is one twice with a 50 percent discount, to the website. Trumps “Victory”-Linie golden seit Sonntag als “ausverkauft”.

Donald Trump reads also the Bible

Donald Trump criticized the Saturday ceremony at Notre-Dame Cathedral twice against French President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron.

First Lady Jill Biden and her mother Ashley feel they are facing Trump-style challenges. I am close to Trump in the “New York Post” statement by the president. “Sehr nett. Sie hatte netter sein können. Sie war sehr nett et wir hatten ein sehr nets Gespräch.”

The perfume costs $199.

The perfume costs $199.

The Düfte are not responsible for the first product, for Trump during these years and for the man or woman who will do it. Während seines Wahlkampfes verkaufte er laut “Fox News” with the Bible with the writing “God Bless the USA” and a coin of 400-Dollar-Turnschuhen. Ebenso kam a Trump-Uhr on the market.

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