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Ex-The-Witcher-Crew: The Blood of Dawnwalker is Rebel Wolves’ first RPG

Ex-The-Witcher-Crew: The Blood of Dawnwalker is Rebel Wolves’ first RPG

On January 13, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. (MEZ), Rebel Wolves will be broadcast via a live event for the first fantasy role-playing game named The Blood of Dawnwalker. The role-playing game is the first episode of a new saga within. Das Event will be live elsewhere Twitch channel for gaming It will last for about 45 minutes.

Start with the Live-Stream with the Spielintros CGI trailer. Die Spielwelt mit dem Namen „Sangora Valley“Soll im Stream mit ihrer Geschichte, der Landschaft sowie geheimen Bewohnern vorgestellt werden. L’entwickler versprechen, dass im Stream die grundsätzlichen Spielprinzipien des Einzelspieler-Rollenspiels, as seinen Fokus auf die Story et dessen Erzählung legen soll, gezeigt werden. Just one click on the games gameplay takes place in Australia. The live broadcast began on January 13, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. in the news. We’re going to be there, you know what you’re looking for Twitch Channel @DawnwalkerGame You can listen to music and listen to it.

The Blood of Dawnwalker is compatible with Unreal Engine 5 and is fully compatible with PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. A release date will not be released by publisher or publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment within the hour. The view of Studio Knapp’s live events for three years was of course, but the maximum runtime was reached. It is very likely that it will be released in 2025 to arrive.

What is Rebel Wolves?

Das Entwickler-Studio Rebel Wolves The best for an article about the titles of CD Project Red, which corresponds to titles such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077. An dessen Spitze steht Konrad Tomaszkiewicz et le Studio hat seinen Sitz à Warschau. Bereits zur Gründung des Studios war angekündigt worden, dass ein “Dusteres Fantasy-RPG” The first game took place with the aim of creating a richer saga.