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Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau under Druck – Misstrauensvotum right

Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau under Druck – Misstrauensvotum right

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under the aegis of the Canadian team for the vote of the Misstrauens and the Ende seiner Regierung. As the Trudeau Liberals’ New Democratic Party (NDP) addresses their Board of Directors in September, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has a further message: “The NDP wants to boost Canadian stability and opportunity for a Regierung zu “Stimmen, die für sie arbeitet,” he wrote in social media.

Damit scheint ein baldiges Misstrauensvotum im Parlament wahrscheinlich. These last Trudeau at every moment of Kräfteverhältnissen kaum überstehen. The Volksvertretung hat allerdings in diesem Jahr keine Sitzungen more anberaumt, weshalb ein solcher Schritt eher für Beginn nächsten Jahres möglich erscheint.

After Trudeau had sorting projects in the executive cabinet and the Ministry of Finance Chrystia Freeland at Montagnard, they planned to also offer sorting services as of January 52, Canada was registered at the end of the year 2015.

Vize Freeland mit lautem Abgang

Freeland, the Ansprüche auf the Führung der Liberalen argesagt werden, hatte sich mit Kritik an Trudeau aus der Regierung verabschiedet. “In women’s stores, we have one of the best things to do in Canada in the region,” it says in your yard guide. Trudeau decided to provide a positive response to a Kabinettsumbildung.

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Im Falle von Neuwahlen looks at the last time in the Umfragen gut für die Conservative Partei under the vision of Pierre Poilievre aus. In Canada, the Liberals are dominated by the Spektrum politischen zwischen Zentrum and Mitte-Links between the 20s and 20s of politics. They supported the prime minister and advocated the progressive politics of the North American Landes in general. (dpa)