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Bundestagswahl: IG-Metall-Chefin hofft auf stabile Regierung

Bundestagswahl: IG-Metall-Chefin hofft auf stabile Regierung

The head of IG Metall, Christiane Benner, was created by the Bundestagswahl for a stable Bundesregierung, as possible at the moment with the two Koalitionspartnern gestellt wird. So you can see the news Schritte leichter umgesetzt werden, according to the Gewerkschafterin der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Within the framework of the Monaten der Ampel of the SPD, Green and FDP, politics has “no more rich functions” and its seien Chancen spoke words.

Even if they are in danger in the Inland region, they are a Umsetzungsproblem, but they are also a rich Erkenntnissen, said Benner. This is a deindustrialization, even if it is not very clear, the management of costly energies towards the company. Die Verbraucher benötigten ebenfalls eine spürbare Entlastung beim Strompreis, as well as the Elektromobilität vorankomme. The load on the infrastructure should be replaced.