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Newark planning and zoning boards to review subdivision and bed and breakfast proposals

Newark planning and zoning boards to review subdivision and bed and breakfast proposals

The Village of Newark planning and zoning boards are expected to meet in early November to consider two major real estate proposals, including a subdivision on Silver Hill Road and a bed and breakfast permit application for a property on Grant Street.

The Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Courtroom at the Newark Municipal Building, located at 100 East Miller Street. The agenda includes a review of two projects. One proposal, led by Richard Doyle, Cynthia and Daniel Barrett, is seeking approval to subdivide a 27.834-acre parcel on Silver Hill Road into two lots, with the main lot retaining 27.019 acres and the smaller lot comprising 0.815 acres. Additionally, the applicants are seeking multiple variances related to lot size, frontage and depth requirements, as well as a special use permit to permit a public utility use in an R-1 residential zone.

Finger Lakes Partners (billboard)Finger Lakes Partners (billboard)

A second project will consider a special use permit application submitted by Ava Holly Lewis, who plans to establish a bed and breakfast at 131 Grant Street. This property is also located in an R-1 residential district, requiring council approval for permitting.

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) will address the same project proposals at its own meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 p.m., also in the village courtroom. ZBA members will review requested changes to the Silver Hill Road property, including adjustments to lot area, frontage and depth specifications, as well as the request for a special use permit for utility operations in the residential area. The board will also evaluate Lewis’ request for the special use permit for the Grant Street bed and breakfast.

Both sessions will open with a workshop at 6 p.m. followed by formal project reviews at 6:30 p.m.