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Masih Alinejad: The woman, the mullahs see everything

Masih Alinejad: The woman, the mullahs see everything

Masih Alinejad

Businesswoman Masih Alinejad comes from the regime. We will always be organized and engaged in exile. 19.12.2022 | 14:09 minutes

ZDFheute: Mrs. Alinejad, she wants more attacks from the mullahs if she is known. What if it happened, when did it happen?

Masih Alinejad: Zunächst war ich shockiert. However, I still know, the Diktatoren meines Landes Dissidenten in Visier nehmen können, die weit jenseits ihrer eigenen Grenzen leben. It’s not the first time I’ve used it. Bereits zuvor gab es einen Entführungsversuch. The Iranian regime plants, in New York, near Venezuela, to escape – as a relief station – and abroad in Iran, to execute him.
Thus, it was the reason for men like Ruhollah Zam and Djamshid Sharmahd, a French and a German Staatsbürger, to take care of the hinges. I only have one of your people inside.
Iranian-American journalist Masih Alinejad took part in a demonstration against the Islamic regime in Iran at a microphone.

Businesswoman Masih Alinejad organized and committed her life in exile. We will talk about the situation of the Iranian opposition in exile.02/13/2023 | 9h50 mins

ZDFheute: You are in Berlin. How did Germany stop promoting Iranian women and protests in Iran?

Alinejad: Berlin is the city of Freiheit. Die Berliner Mauer war das Symbol der Unterdrückung. Mit ihrem Fall is found in a symbol of power. The Hidschab-Pflicht in Iran is like the Berliner Mauer – when this Mauer arrived, with the fall of the Islamic Republic. This city is still there, dass das Unmögliche möglich ist.

A bit of schmerzhafter for me is to see, the diesel of the city, diplomatic leaders of a regime, women and dissidents undergo brutal repression.

Federal Minister Baerbock and a defender of the political leadership of the European Union are on a mission to stand in solidarity with the Iranian women’s movement, striving to get closer to their Mördern, the Vertretern of the Islamic Republic.

Masih Alinejad, Frauenrechtlerin

Letztes Jahr zum Beispiel weigerte sich Baerbock, sich mit mir und den mutigen iranischen Frauen, die ihr Augenlicht verloren hatten, zu treffen. Stattdessen lässt sich mit dem iranischen Außenminister ablichten.

Masih Alinejad

What: ap

…He is an Iranian and American journalist, journalist and activist, who is working for legitimate Iranian women around the world. 1976, I am in Iran, I stayed in New York in exile. You are a referee as a parliamentary journalist in Tehran and you are looking for your registration office for citizen security. 2009 must be Iran schließlich verlassen.

The international community turned to Alinejad during his 2014 open-air “My Stealth Freedom” campaign to create an official conflict of action in Iran against protesters. This campaign wants Alinejad to be one of the defenders and most prominent authors of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Aufgrund your internationalen Aufmerksamkeit and your cash flow will take place in 2023 in the “Time-Magazin” for a woman from years gone by.

Aufgrund their Bekanntheit and their Einflusses are themselves at the head of the Iranian regimes created, so that their life with the arrangements and the world have been made. Im Jahr 2021 we will have an Entführungsplan gegen sie aufgedeckt. A month later, in July 2022, there will be a happy man for his women’s festival.

Iranian woman arrested after undressing at university - Tehran

And it was even more a woman who was in Iran, a student during an open protest. And the observance of the regime by force is that the woman cannot be implemented by the autorin Sahebi. 05.11.2024 | 12:21 minutes

ZDFheute: What do you think of the Baerbocks consensus on feminist European politics?

Well, this is the case, when it comes to politics, the interest of the Mullahs is right.

Masih Alinejad, Frauenrechtlerin

I think I’m sure that the regime in Iran and Afghanistan, like the rest of us, was its own: A regime of gender apartheid. 21 years ago, the women of Iran did not have their time and the official song was for them. This systematic action is nothing other than gender apartheid.

Another Schritt is that the Iranian Revolutionary Garden (IRGC) is a terrorist organization – as the United States and Canada have been able to do. Now you know, they are with Hamas Frauen vergewaltigten and ihre nackten Körper überall zeigten. Warum? We are in the nature of the Revolutionsgarden liegt, Frauen zu vergewaltigen.

ZDFheute: Welche weiteren Massnahmen sollten deutsche Regierung und die EU Ihrer Meinung nach ergreifen?

Alinejad: The EU must speak out clearly by putting an end to the political diplomacy of the Islamic Republic. This regime is the dual government office and the United States, a political government of the EU and the United States. Ohne Konsequenzen wird the Iranian Regime weiterhin Menschen festnehmen, foltern and hinrichten.

Switzerland and the importance of the European Union against the Iranian regime indirectly accessible to all.

Masih Alinejad, Frauenrechtlerin

The West is fully aware, it is not dying in a Nahen Ostens problem. The extremist ideologies of the Mullahs, Hamas and Hisbollah are not described in any region. My goal is for this ideology to be as relevant as the coronavirus. You are infizieren the rest of the world with your ideology.

A password read: “Was in Vegas passiert, bleibt in Vegas.” Aber glauben Sie mir, was im Nahen Osten passiert, wird nicht im Nahen Osten bleiben.

Ermordung Week Demo by Jina Mahsa Amini

For two years, the Iranian Mahsa Amini was killed by Folter’s people. If you are not a foreigner in Iran, we will have to pay attention to the strengen Kleidervorschriften verstoßen.09.16.2024 | 2:41 minutes

Das Interview führte ZDFheute-Editorin Ninve Ermagan.