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Erzberg Leoben presents Vielfalt and Perspektiven

Erzberg Leoben presents Vielfalt and Perspektiven

With the first regional “explorer” magazines published by the Erzberg Leoben tourist agency, a new chapter in the region’s market auf. The magazine presents the highlights of the landscape, culture and art of the region and the tourist riches of the region: the travel hotel industry, the sich for the Vielfalt and the perspectives of Erzberg Leoben are very close.

Erzberg Leoben: A region in full expansion

Erzberg Leoben verbindet auf einzigartige Weise Abenteuer, Natur und Tradition. From the majestic beauty of the Alps and the Green Earth to the Brauchtum lebendigem, modern culture and extensive outdoor activities – the region has a unique combination with a natural economy and a vibrant cultural environment.

“Explore” offers numerous thematic overviews such as Abenteuer, Sport, Kultur, Wellness and Regionale Zukunftsperspektiven. Dabei wird auch der Brückenschlag zwischen traditionsreicher Industrie et innovationn Wirtschaftsentwicklungen deutlich.

“Explore” Magazine: Inspiration to read: around the world

Das Magazin is much more than a classic Tourismus-Journal. With detailed articles, news, interviews and photo broadcasts, the region is auf undersized. Ob für Abenteuerlustige, Feinschmecker:innen oder Kulturliebhaber:innen – “explorer” lädt zum Entdecken et Staunen ein.

The digital English version offers an international perspective and an overview of the overall situation in the region. Unternehmen können so ihre Innovationskraft and Standortvorteile a weltweiten Public päsentieren.

Erzberg Leoben as Botschaft and Vision

Rudolf Tischhart, prefect of the Erlebnis region of Erzberg Leoben, says:
“Mit ‘explore’ is the enormous potential of our region. The magazine is not just a supplier of hotels and craftsmen, but it also probes the company’s identification with its heritage. Unser Ziel is the same as the men of Erzberg Leoben and the Botschafter: the interior of the region is auftreten and their Vielfalt passes through the Grenzen towards the path.

Verfügbarkeit and Einsatz des Magazins

The “explorer” magazine is available to all hotels and agencies in the region. Darüber hinaus wird es activ en der nationalen und internationalen werbung eingesetzt, um die Qualitäten von Erzberg Leoben zu präsentieren et ain breites public zu inspirieren.