
Mondor Festival

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Trendy drink “Oleato”: What is coffee with olive oil?

Trendy drink “Oleato”: What is coffee with olive oil?

The idea, coffee with olive oil combined, can be used optimally. Olive oil is probably an excellent standard for Mediterranean cooking and is often used for salt or cooking – or in coffee? Before using this product mixture, olive oil can be used appropriately for trusted transport products until you can use them. The creamy effect, the oil on the coffee cap, soll zudem den Geschmack abrunden and a samtiges Mundgefühl erzeugen.

Die Zubereitung ist denkbar einfach: Ein Schuss hochwertiges, extra native Olivenöl wird zu frisch gebrühtem Kaffee hinzugefügt. Please note that the oil is unused, and it is a homogeneous Mischung zu erzielen. These are cafes that have created this special creation on their menu.