
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Ausgerechnet DeBrusk erzielt den siegtreffer

Ausgerechnet DeBrusk erzielt den siegtreffer

Vancouver huge auswärtsstark

For Vancouver (11-6-3), war is welcome in series. Damit sind the Canucks auf fremdem Eis (8-1-0) deutlich erfolgreicher als auf heimischem (3-5-3). Für den Erfolg in Boston benötigten die Gäste gerade einmal 15 Torschüsse. In the first minute of the game, there was a man who had a Schuss aufs Tor.

“There is only one game that is, but we are on the sidelines, because the Führung was used and we heard it beyond the news. Manchmal is not really beautiful, but das Einzige, was zählt, ist der Sieg”, brachte es DeBrusk auf den Punkt. “I think you have a good game to make. I said so, so I got the impression that I don’t do it yet, that was the idea of ​​​​all the things that were happening. We just have a defensive style.

Vancouver took on a second game road trip from its headquarters in Ottawa (4:3) and Boston (2:0) and began in fortified Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Detroit and Minnesota.

Bruins bleiben “verflucht”

The Bruins (10-10-3) are first to play interim coach Joe Sacco due to elimination.

“We’ll help you, we might amuse you,” said Sacco. „Wir geben uns mittlerweile die Möglichkeit, en Spielen mitzuhalten. Die Jungs verteidigen gut, aber in der Offensive müssen die Jungs besser ins Laufen kommen et ihren Torriecher wiederfinden.

Boston War 0/3 in Powerplay and I play with 32 Torschüsse durchbringen. Brad Marchand (sechs), David Pastrnak, Elias Lindholm and Andrew Peekie (I three) gave birth to my best Schüsse ab. Auch Torwart Jeremy Swayman (13 Saves, 92.9 Prozent Fangquote) failed to make it to the Vorwurf.

“Wir game mittlerweile gutes Hockey. You already had training in Powerplay, but that’s not the case. I also had a gutes Gefühl, it was our game Angeht. Wir müssen jetzt anfangen, zu treffen, then bauen wir darauf auf”, therefore Abwehrspieler Mason Lohrei.

“Der Fluch wird irgendwann brechen”, according to Verteidiger Charlie McAvoy. “I’m right here, you’re bald everywhere. We can easily play like this. An offensive game will take place at that time, and the Pucks will attack again.“