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Laura Mair scheitert in Runde 2 – Südtirol News

Laura Mair scheitert in Runde 2 – Südtirol News

By: ka

Wolkenstein – Raiffeisen ITF Val Gardena Südtirol’s second match with $ 40,000 is in itself: The destination of local agent Laura Mair is only a buyer, but there is little chance of losing experience in the second ending war, which took place on the first Tyra Grant of 16 years with Tyra Grant. Un spektakulären Sieg für die Größte Überraschung des Tages.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/Tyra Scholarship

South Tyrol took place last month at rank 806 in the WTA world list, under the leadership of Kanadierin Stacey Fung (WTA 253) with 3:6, 2:6. Trotz eines engagierten Starts konnte Mair der Routine et Stabilität der 27-jährigen Nordamerikanerin not genug entgegensetzen. Fung sicherte sich in Satz 2 nach 0:2 seconds Game in Serie and Damit the Match in nur 75 Minuten. There are 21-year players from TC Gherdeina in the upbeat match: “You have a good score. I have to take risks and do the same for one or another Fehler for life. I completely agree, nach 2 Monaten wieder schmerzfrei spielen zu können.“ Nach ihrer langen Schulterverletzung feierte Mair bei ihrem Heimturnier ein wichtiges Comeback.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/Laura Mair

Fung a trifft nonne im Viertelfinale auf die an Nummer 2 gesetzte Kroatin Lea Bošković (WTA 185). Croatia, which is a tennis nation with aufstrebendem potential, is a unique nation with two players in the final final.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/Stacey Fung

The big moment of glory of the days has for Tyra Grant. The American, at WTA rank 916, played in a high-class match with top-ranked Kathinka Deichmann (WTA 172) with 6:1, 3:6 and 6:2. Grant, sieben Jahre in the renowned Piatti Tennis Academy and on the page of Jannik Sinner, trains, has a first life and games with their offensives without tape. Your aggressive game and your mentality begin to train in your training group with Sinner, as if you were in a summer training camp on the island of Elba.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/Laura Mair

Neben Grant finds himself with another unexpected player in the final final: Lina Gjorcheska from Nordmazedonien watches Kampfgeist and drehte ein 5:7 in the first match of Amarni Banks in a sovereign 6:3, 6:2. Gjorcheska, the best player of his golden moors, is at 30 years old a tall figure in international tennis. The favorites of Rennen Unterdessen setzte sich Viktoria Hruncakova, last time at the Billie Jean King Cup for the Slowake tournament, are sovereign. The number 43 ehemalige of the world has demonstrated influence, but it is a Gefährliche Gegnerin enemy. United Kingdom’s Tena Lukas completed the Croatian duo, regardless of whether the Italians were allowed to go infield, Federica Urgesi, on the edge of Turnier.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/

With a mix of aufstrebenden Jungstars and erfahrenen Profis verspricht das Viertelfinale am Donnerstag des Turniers hochspannend zu werden. All the augen rich in jedoch auf Tyra Grant, the young players in the field, deren Performance bereits jett als Das Highlight des Turniers golden. Das Finale is for Saturday.

Runggaldier/TC Gherdeina/Laura Mair