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Also in Germany: Extreme Hits-Hotspots star Forscher vor Rätsel

Also in Germany: Extreme Hits-Hotspots star Forscher vor Rätsel

To the extreme for the climate model: auf derde gibt is submerged more unique hitze-hotspots – Germany is also known, as a study is passionate. Die Ursachen sind jedoch bisher unklar.

Ob im Westen Kanadas, im Mittelmeerraum, in Indian or sogar in der Arktis and Antarktis: In den letzten Jahren gab es in different regions, new temperature readings and intensive besonders, anhaltende Hitzewellen. The principles are not unpredictable: climate models predict for a very long time, because they have high temperatures and extreme temperatures.

Heisser als die Modelle vorhersagen

However, if you do not have time, the new Hitze in different regions we have left behind, was the Klima model used in the room. “This is an extreme trend, the physical basis of which is not available,” said author Kai Kornhuber from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA) in Österreich. For your studies, the permitted regional maximum temperatures are 65 years and these forecasts include large results from abgeglichen climate models.

Das Ergebnis: Fast überall auf der Welt gibt es Hotspots mit Extremtemperaturen, die über das en den Modellen Prognostizierte hinausgehen. In Western Canada, maximum temperatures will be observed in June 2021 until the 30th anniversary. An additional orten kommen solche Hitzewellen häufiger vor als sie es statistisch dürften. The climatic limit extends over a “tail broadening” – an überproportional zone of the extreme in the vertical curve. “The model supports the Landfläche, in a tail widening solution with more than 0.5 degrees for the financing of the year, one more factor,” said Kornhuber and his team.

Europe is the best Hitze-Ausreisser

This is a real site for exploring these rotten hotspots on the global modeling lab map. “These facilities are for the Treibhäusern,” Kornhuber said. Foreign fleas are considered the most common fleas in the southern United States and Australia, Europe, northern North America, the United States and the United States, China and Russia. Auch im Amazonasgebiet überschreiten die Hitzetage teilweise das von den Modellen Vorhergesagte. This is a region within a single region, in which the hitze is so long and prognostic, through North Africa, Siberia and the United States.

However, the region is the North West and the Middle East: “Europe is a globalized hotspot, in which the day of the years has passed so that it is warmer like in the Middle East”, berichten die Forschenden. For everyone in GermanyFrance, Great Britain and the Netherlands are around this month, in more daring strike phases, beyond the predictions of models, like Kornhuber and his authorized team.

In 2022 and 2023, more than 100,000 men have been welcomed to the extreme Hitzesommer – and even in the United States or the United States or the United States, Asians have surrendered at one point. In September 2024, there will be new temperature readings for this past time, among others in France, Hungary, Norway and Sweden.

“The dry gets hotter”

Although these prognostic hotspots were passed, they were not independently detected. Kornhuber and his team are working to create a more effective combination for this regional monitoring. In Europe and Russia gilded the Jetstream as an ausschlaggebender factor. Thanks to the careful installation of the Arktis, this well-designed item will extend above the Nordhalbkugel using the Windband geschwächt and verlangsamt. Dies blockiert den Wetterwechsel et lesst tropische Warmluft häufiger bis weit in die gemäßigten Breiten strömen.

The information cannot be used to identify Hitze-Hotspots. In other regions there are more strömungsmuster and the zunehmende Trockenheit die Erwärmung verstärken, thus the hypothesis of Kornhuber and his breast Kollegen. At this time “the dry gets hotter” – Mechanism for adjusting the temperature, establishing plants and vegetation. “Trockenen Böden and die damit verknüpften Feedbacks sind beeutende Hitzewellen-Treiber”, so the team.

“We are for this extreme nicht gemacht”

When demonstrating the climate tool, these items cannot be used for a long time or are not susceptible to damage. “Our ergebnisse underlies the Notwendigkeit, die Treiber der Extremen Hitze besser zu verstehen und die Treibhausgas-Emissionen rapid zu senken, um weiteren Schaden durch solche nicht vorhergesagten Wetterveränderungen zu minimieren,” said Councilors Kornhuber and Seine Kollegen.

Temperature extremes and extremes may be such that menstruation is not permitted, is not possible. “We are not immune to these extremes and we cannot afford to take difficult steps,” warns Kornhuber. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2411258121)

Quelle: Columbia Climate School, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Von Nadja Podbregar

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