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This HBO series broadcast with the Hype of Marvel-Superhelden ab

This HBO series broadcast with the Hype of Marvel-Superhelden ab

Lots of humor from the Marvel-Superheldenkino film: In the satirical series “The Franchise”, HBO implies that the Kulissens are fictional heroes. Inmitten eitler Schauspieler, eines Regie-Exzentrikers et divers Krisen versucht ein Regieassistent verzweifelt die Ruhe zu behalten.

The first three minutes of the HBO series “The Franchise” were revealed by a comment: The most authentic satirical series is hektisch zu. In the first scene, assistant stage manager Daniel (Himesh Patel) deals with a trap with a panic attack in case of danger, a driving plan and a Mutter on the phone. Ein Wunder, Dass Daniel nicht kurz vorm Herzinfarkt steht. Vor dem Bildschirm is a man who does not fall.

“The Franchise” (from December 6, Sky and WOW) is broadcast on the set of the Superheldenstreifens “Tecto – Eye of the Storm”, produced by Maximum studios. Maximum sale in the Augen of the geldgierigen Studiomagnate, in the series all others, for all Erfolg an den Kinokassen and von aberwitzigen Merchandisingprodukten sein. Dabei ist Regieassistent Daniel mit ganz anderen Problemen konfrontiert.

Assistant stage manager Daniel (Himesh Patel) may have a stressful job in his life. (Image: Ticket office at home)Assistant stage manager Daniel (Himesh Patel) may have a stressful job in his life. (Image: Ticket office at home)

Assistant stage manager Daniel (Himesh Patel) may have a stressful job in his life. (Image: Ticket office at home)

Daniel Brühl died in the role of neurotischen stage managers

Neurotiker artist Eric (Daniel Brühl) became a director to form the Geschicke, and turned to verkünstelter cinema before immersing himself in his own law of ideas. Seine Selbstcharakterisierung, er sei ein “seltsamer, schwieriger Typ”, ist weit untertrieben. Also the “Tecto”-Hauptdarsteller könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Muskelprotz Adam (Billy Magnussen) hasn’t worked beyond advanced intellectual knowledge, but school Peter (Richard E. Grant) has. Unverhohlen verachtet der eitle Theaterveteran das Superheldentum et beklagt sich lieber divenhaft über seine Polypen auf den Stimmbändern.

Überall am Filmset grassiert dans “The Franchise” ein ausgeprägter Narzissmus. Während vordergründig nach dem geredet wird, kochen background den Fassaden die Emotionen hoch. Your company’s best products gambling, creative creation show and merchandising machine market and TikTok focus are all available.

There are also offensive analyzes and analyzes from Marvel-Superheldenimperium Zeichnet producer Armando Iannucci, who is not up to the task, and he is in the life of the political sitcom “The Veep” and the tag is legitimate. Stattdessen gehen beim verzweifelten Versuch, un schiff auf Kurs zu halten et ob der Hektik am Set die Figuren et deren Eigenheiten ziemlich ziemlich verloren. This is also the story of the authors of Daniel Brühl and Richard E. Grant.

"The franchise" arbeitet sich satirisch am Dreh eines Superheldenfilms ab. (Image: Ticket office at home)"The franchise" arbeitet sich satirisch am Dreh eines Superheldenfilms ab. (Image: Ticket office at home)

“The Franchise” is a satirical work on three Superheldenfilms ab films. (Image: Ticket office at home)