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O2 Telefónica offers the best offers for growth opportunities

O2 Telefónica offers the best offers for growth opportunities

In the Grow-Tarifen there is a year for the years of enthaltene Datenvolumen of the Mobile tariffife automatisch kostenlos. Jetzt brings O2 Telefónica this Goodie also for its best sellers.

For two years, O2 Telefónica has implemented the Grow-Tariff, with monthly data volumes one in a year without any possible costs. “Damit haben wir die Zufriedenheit und die Treue der Kunden deutlich gesteigert,” declared the Privatkundenvorstand Andreas Laukenmann gegenüber Telecom Handel. And further: “You have to do with the new Schritt and machen als Dank an unsere Stammkunden das wahrscheinlich größte Datengeschenk, das es in Deutschland bisher gab. »

At 7:59 p.m., a Laukenmann is preparing to manage a shopping center in a business location in the “Tagesschau” and he will also throw away the millions of best cultivation service offers at no cost. Parallel has sent an SMS with the following information message, in the course of the ungefähren Zeitpunkt der Aufbuchung informiert wurden. As part of the madness, the 360-degree sales campaign “Vertrag deines Lebens” began, the Grow-Vorteil in January 2025 in the light of day.

Grundsätzlich erhalten alle Vertragskunden in Gigabyte-Tarifen den ersten Schub fürs Datenvolumen sofort, doch die reale Aufbuchung erfolgt aus technischen Green sukzessive bis Mitte 2025. Andreas Laukenmann: “Our products are not manufactured. Wir werden die Aufbuchung so schnell wie das technisch geht vornehmen.

The zusätzliche volumes, from each year are given, are rich as the cultivation rate according to the consumption volumes and per 1, 5 or 10 GB. In recent months, the dates have been summarized by Laukenmann and even more with his Milliarden Gigabyte.