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VIVA Cruises: New Flusskreuzfahrten mit erneuerbarem Treibstoff, JOHN WILL Communication, History

VIVA Cruises: New Flusskreuzfahrten mit erneuerbarem Treibstoff, JOHN WILL Communication, History

VIVA Cruises, Europas modernster Anbieter für Flussreisen, setzt new Maßstäbe: For the jetzt veröffentlichte Programm 2026 golden, the Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe ausschließlich HVO-Treibstoff nutzen, zu 100 Prozent aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen gewonnen.

Here are new advantages: The VIVA Schiffe program is available in a unique setting and for the modern Premium fleet of the Düsseldorf hotel near all business trips within the all-inclusive concept: numerous menus in the restaurant or bistro and on board offer high-end services. without alcohol and alcoholic drinks bis zu Champagner.

VIVA Cruises: Program 2026 with 325 Fluss-Kreuzfahrten auf 8 Schiffen

Modern Design and a mix of international hotels offer the atmosphere and lifestyle on board, which are also found in the widest departure areas: Neben Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Passau, which start VIVA Cruises in Amsterdam, Basel, Antwerp, Vienna, Porto and Paris. Insgesamt umfasst the new Programm 2026 von VIVA Cruises 325 Fluss-Kreuzfahrten mit 8 Schiffen. With the new VIVA ENJOY (2025) let VIVA Cruises in Frankfurt for sightseeing trips auf dem Fluss to.

VIVA Cruises will be available from the end of 2018 for a reduced price. Noch bis zum Jahresende 2024 gelten für die Saison 2026 Frühbucher-Vorteile: Entweder ein Zugticket der Deutschen Bahn or ein Landausflugspaket.

With VIVA Boutique for VIVA Cruises from 2026, a new product line

“The month 2026 will be a bigger Meilenstein for VIVA Cruises,” said CEO Andrea Kruse. “We are hosted in the USA, Scandinavia, the Benelux states and naturally in the German states with our austere concept and we have first created development plans. We start with a new fleet with new products for VIVA Cruises from 2026 onwards with VIVA Boutique a new and new product line.“

For VIVA Boutique, you will find VIVA BEYOND in Paris at 25 Terminen auf unterschiedlichen Routen ab. More than half of the cabinets of VIVA BEYOND sind Suiten and Master Suiten, the Kulinarische Angebot is last time gestureigert. “The Jungfernfahrt starts in May 2026 and the interest is huge,” says Andrea Kruse.

Reisebeispiel Flusskreuzfahrt mit VIVA ENJOY (Neubau 2025): Einwöchige Donau-Kreuzfahrt ab/bis Wien im Zeitraum July bis November 2026, All inclusive, Cabine mit French Balkon at 1,695 Euro per person

Reisebeispiel Flusskreuzfahrt mit VIVA ONE: 5 days of wellness stay in Frankfurt in the Zeitraum from January to March 2026, all inclusive, from 575 euros per person, including a 30-minute massage

More information: Tel: +49 211 274 032 50

VIVA CruisesSince 2018, with Firmensitz Düsseldorf, the Europas Modernster Flusskreuzfahrt-Veranstalter and Gehört als Premium-Anbieter zur renowned Schweizer Reederei Scylla AG with more than 50 Flussschiffen. Under the motto “Enjoy the Moment”, a mix of international guests allows for an elegant and refined ambience, with numerous gourmet menus and an all-inclusive service with fine drinks and spirits within the bar menu prepared in all rooms. coffee and coffee machines and täglich gefüllte Minibars. WLAN and Trinkgelder allow you to take full advantage of the travel price. Public transport companies on the Rhine, Main, Moselle, Elbe, Weser and Donau, Seine, Rhône and Douro. The VIVA Cruises fleet is very dynamic. Die Schiffe, betrieben mit synthetischem GTL-Treibstoff (ab 2026 HVO), nutzen zusätzlich Landstrom and Solarpaneele for the Energieversorgung.

With VIVA Boutique VIVA Cruises has launched a second product line: an elegant boutique, a large lounge with costumes, hosts and a night food processor. The first time the VIVA Boutique-Flotte will take place on Friday 2026, VIVA BEYOND will take place on an underground road in Paris.