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Madeleine and Victoria von Schweden: Furore against a Nobel Prize-Kleider

Madeleine and Victoria von Schweden: Furore against a Nobel Prize-Kleider

Delivery services in Stockholm are available to all of the following: Royal Princess Victoria (47), Princess Madeleine (42) and Princess Sofia (40) of Sweden.

It will be due on December 10, 2024 and will be released. Denn in Schweden werden die Nobelpreise verliehen. King Charles XVI. Gustaf (78) received the Nobel Prize in Literature, Medicine, Chemistry and Physics from the Alfred Nobel Gedächtnis Prize for Swiss Economy.

The Augenmerk business is located today in the central Swiss city near the royal gates: Princess Madeleine and Ehemann Chris O’Neill (50), who died in the summer with their children in the USA, found themselves in Sweden, which experienced falls and prices. teilnehmen.

All about the theme Royals

Royale Beobachter warten naturally besonders gespannt auf die prachtvollen Nobel prize-Kleider et Princess Tiaras. Denn vor allem Madeleine and Victoria sorgen in their equally immersed outfits for Furore.

This outfit was created in 2002 for a scandal in Sweden: Princess Madeleine at the Nobel Prize in her knallroten dress with her neckline.

This outfit was created in 2002 for a scandal in Sweden: Princess Madeleine at the Nobel Prize in her knallroten dress with her neckline.

Those indifferent to the hemalige war of the Party-Princess Madeleine in the Vergangenheit bei der Nobelpreisverleihung für viel Getuschel verantwortlich.

Der Grund: Im Jahr 2002 sorgte die jüngste Tochter of schwedish Königs mit un freizügigen, knallroten Kleid of schwedischen Designers Pär Engsheden für einen (kleinen) Skandal in royalen Kreisen. Stein des Anstoßes war the tiefe Dekolleté, the Madeleine da vor 22 Jahren unbekümmert präsentierte. Damals galt es pour un Prinzessin als anrüchig, sich bei dem prestigeträchtigen Event so sinnlich zu Zeigen.

Crown Prince Victoria won the 2023 Nobel Prize with a difficult-to-train figure.

Crown Prince Victoria won the 2023 Nobel Prize with a difficult-to-train figure.

However, Madeleine is the Blicke with its Nobel Prize-Outfit which is also the same. Schwester Victoria ließ im vergangenen Jahr ihre Muskeln bei der Nobel prize-Verleihung spielen (more information in the video now). Wow – it’s Winkearme! I have one-shoulder clothes in purple colors from designer Camilla Thulin. Royal Princess Victoria in Stockholm. Hinter den gestählten Armen and the musculösen Rücken steckt übrigens ain strenges Sportprogramm. Laut der Zeitung “Svensk Damtidning” takes Victoria herself to the winter party of the week.

This fitness is the activity of 47 days in the army under the army. Seit August absolviert Victoria an der schwedischen Verteidigungsuniversität die Offizierausbildung. In the entire military army, it is necessary for the crown prince to overcome the theft of the Schlamm, like the photos, the palace at the peak of summer. For the crown prince to win the Nobel Prize, there is sure to be a desire to act within this institution. (sp)