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Der Oscar der Tauchbranche…

Der Oscar der Tauchbranche…

…well? This page will be on the occasion of the Boot Dive Awards 2025 during the Boot-Messe at the end of January.

Der Oscar der Tauchbranche…Der Oscar der Tauchbranche…

Die startup Dusseldorf setzt sich mit dem »dive Award« and main sponsor Bauer Compressors für eine starke und nachhaltige Tauchbranche ein. Public voting until January 3, 2025 for the INNOVATION, CLIMATE, DESTINATION, PRODUCT and PERSONALITY categories

The diving center in Hall 12 of Düsseldorf 2025 is from January 18 to 26 the central working point for all fishermen, water and land professionals, which is in the open air. One of the most interesting highlights of the Tauch community is the diving awards in 2025, which was written by Mal durchgeführt wird. Ziel Awards is a training and activities program in the international branch of the business sector. Jährlich werden Preise in fünf Kategorien vergeben: INNOVATION, CLIMATE, DESTINATION, PRODUCT and PERSONALITY. The Boot Dive Prize will be awarded that year by main sponsor BAUER Kompressoren.

A highly qualified jury of experts, best placed to do so Team leaders and establishment managers of divemaster Tauchmedien, DIVE!, TAUCHEN,, VDSTsporttaucher and WETNOTES, hat aus den zahlreichen Bewerbungen pro Kategorie jeweils trois Nominierungen ausgewählt. Until January 3, 2025, during public votingBei dem Tauchbegeisterte ihre individunn Favoriten unterstützen können. The winners emerged in a combination at the public time and at the end of the test by the jury and the directors of the Düsseldorf 2025 start-up. Friday January 24, 2025 Feierlich ausgezeichnet. All the information on Stimmabgabe is here:

The Best Awards-Diving Awards Category – powered by BAUER Kompressoren and the three nominators sind….


INNOVATION sagt viel über die Zukunftsfähigkeit einer Branche aus. In this category there are people, entrepreneurs and initiatives that take care of in-depth management of the security of the branch of activity, tasks and resources. What are the concepts and projects that allow the branch of activity to be adapted to the project organization? What do you think of the idea, of wind energy and the energy generated by the world of tomorrow?

Nominert sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

Cressi Aquawing: “One size” – The old Donut-Jacket für alle Fälle. The patented Modular Adjustment System (MAS) allows for flexible and flexible handling.

Scubapro Seawing Supernova: Eine wie keine – die individualisierbare Flosse. Scubapro’s modular wire system offers optimal individuality and flexibility. So the colors also include the functions of the Seawing Supernova in the same position.

The Avelo system: It’s a U-boat. The Avelo system is used in new sports agencies for management control and operations. When it is installed on a Herkommlichen Tarierjacket (BCD) of the Avelo System, it is also possible to use it, therefore it depends on the Hinzufügen or Entnehmen von Wasser.


In category CLIMATE I think that all projects and initiatives should be implemented by Weise in Richtung Klimaschutz and Klimaneutralität voranschreiten. An example is the named Wissenschaftler, lobbying and organization around the world – who are all those who have their work or their Gesundheit project to support Ozeane and the Lebens of living men. Denn der Klimawandel is the big bed for Ozeane and Gewässer.

Nominert sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

Better oceans: Meeresschutz meets Wassersport. Keine Organisation, its own Platform. For Meeresschützer, Wassersportler, Wissenschaftler. Out-of-control networking in the campaign for better oceans.

MANTAHARI: Your purchase – we will spend. MANTAHARI has settled the issue of ozone protection – to save the ozone and more research and illustration on the topic of ozeanplastik, for everyone in Indonesian.

Scubapro Everflex Yulex Diving: Last 2 days of Scubapro and Everflex Anzüge aus YULEX® Dive Material, un nouveau Schaumstoff sur un base pflanzlicher, der aus FSC-certifiziertem Naturkautschuk hergestellt wird.


Tauchen is like another water sport art with the theme Reisen eng verknüpft. The category DESTINATION Widmet sich deshalb touristischen Aspekten. Denn Taucher breaks the world auf, a miracle from the water world abroad. In these categories are destinations and tourist objects to find, these ask you for the gut auf Taucher eingestellt haben. You can find destinations and regions near several hotels, cruise bases or cruise ships.

Nominert sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

GL. Ålbo Dive Resort: Dänische Ostsee – Tauchparadies am Kleinen Belt. GL. Ålbo is a natural pearl in the small belt of the Danish Ostsee lake. A paradise for Taucher and all, die das Wasser lieben.

Malta, Gozo and Comino: the Tauchparadies on the Mittelmeer:
The Maltese group Inselgruppe takes care of the best surveys on Lake Mittelmeer. Mild temperatures, mild hot spot temperatures and shallow groundwater allow Malta, Gozo and Comino to quickly adapt to an ideal location for water pipes.

Wakatobi Dive Resort: A lovers paradise and nature conservation garden: Wakatobi is a luxurious resort in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Weltklasse Tauchgängängen a kilometerlangen Riffen direkt vom Strand ou vom Boot aus führen en spektakuläre Underwasserlandschaften.


In category PRODUCT it is a piece of equipment and technology. This must not be the case of the large, small or large parts of the surface, the light weight of the Taucherleben is greater. How old is the refinement of the Clou gerade in Detail? Or in new material, is that how I won’t talk about it? Or, could you like a well-known product with new technologies?

Nominert sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

DynamicNorth RS-350 transport trolley. Dynamicnord offers a complete range of kitchen products for all water enthusiasts. The RS-350 luggage rack is the best innovative, highly Ripstop material, the strongest and the longest.

Oceanreef GSM CUBE3: With GSM CUBE3 there is no mission – the old water communication can be three ways to communicate: drahtlos, fest verdrahtet, UKW.

SAYOS: the first autonomous GPS for Taucher. SEAYOS is a stand-alone charity for transport and sports businesses with organisation, mapping and communications functions.

In category PERSONALITY This is a Menschen. Hier werden herausragende Sportler, Underwasser- oder Naturfilmer oder Personen aus eteren Bereichen geehrt, die sich in besonderer Weise öffentlichkeitswirksam um den Tauchsport, die Tauchbranche et die Ozeane verdient gemacht haben.

Nominert sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

Sabine Kerkau: Gründerin of projects to save the Baltic Sea heritage. Switzerland is the CCR Full Trimix Expedition Wrack- and Höhlentaucherin, the Mitglied of the Women Divers Hall of Fame as well as the Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project.

Nuno Sa: Preisgekrönter Unterwasser-Cameramann, spezialisiert auf große Tiere. Nuno Sá is a BAFTA camera and wildlife photographer, specializing in seascapes and life in Oceania.

Dr. Steffen Scholz: Blick in die Tiefe – versunkene Wracks. The leidenschaftlicher explorer gives Dr. Steffen Scholz an underwater photograph of Wrack with a single glimpse in the corner of the river.

Big sale on January 24 at the Halle 12 diving center