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Gemini 2.0 and Project Astra: Google startup protection for KI agents

Gemini 2.0 and Project Astra: Google startup protection for KI agents

Gemini 2.0 Flash is Google’s new KI model, which is not available to everyone and is not as powerful as the Vorgänger inside the ground. It is also the Grundlage für die Kommenden Agenten-Systeme. Research support services are available on every shelf down to gaming and robotics systems.

Gemini 2.0 Flash: new models can be generated by images and presentations

Gemini 2.0 Flash is the same as the Vorgänger Gemini 1.5 Flash and manages the blog site very clearly. We have the new model also beim Funktionsumfang. It is therefore not possible to create multimodal files like text, images, videos and audio data, in order to enable multimodal output. This is an example in the landscape, clean images with texts written to generate or more practical texts with texts written more precisely.

The experimental Gemini 2.0 Flash model is available through the Google AI Studio and Vertex AI cloud services via the abrufbar API. Allgemein verfügbar sein soll es dann ab Januar.

An optimized version of chat templates for chat is probably very close to Gemini, you will be interested in the Templates menu. Golden Das is now available for web version, apps are bald. Gemini 2.0 is now available in Laufe der Zeit in addition to integrated Google products.

Deep Research and Agent-Feature for Gemini Advanced

A new version of Gemini Advanced is the free version of Google chatbots. In-depth research It is – like the name – a research assistant that provides information on one topic to another. You can start by checking the Gemini 2.0 with Google Self-Support Web Services, analyze the Ergebnisse and update the Erkenntnisse for new Suchen. In the end, I found an explanation in a Google Docs document, links to relevant sources and organizations.

In the web version of Gemini Advanced you will find the detailed description of getting started. In the App version of the KI-Assistenten there are still years to come.

Departure in Agenten-Zeitalter

For Google, Gemini 2.0 is another development model in a phase, in the setting of the KI agent. Dabei handelt es sich im Kern um System, die automatisiert ach complexre et mehrstufige Aufgaben bewältigen können. The best features of Gemini 2.0 Flash, such as multimodal organization, long context windows are the basis of the functionality, with complex solutions, and this is one of the possible options.

Noch steht die Entwicklung von Agenten aber am Anfang. Google explains the prototypes in a single “Forschungsgebiet voller spannender Möglichkeiten», added to more projects:

  • Project Astra: Dort geht es um die Entwicklung eines universaln KI-Agenten.
  • Project Mariner: A new project, which is to be carried out with mensch-maschinen interaction. The response is made from the browser.
  • Jules: A code agent, der Entwickler beim Programmieren supports Soll.

The Astra project hatte Google bereits im Frühjahr vorgestellt. Indem Gemini 2.0 is integrated and is not yet more efficient. So if you want Google-Suche, Lens and Google Maps to be crazy, Astra die Rolle als Alltagsassistent erleichtern soll. Verbessert wurden zudem die Sprachfähigkeiten und der Speicher wurde erweitert. In one of the Sessions you can have two minutes of your time. Fortschritte macht man auch bei Latenzzeiten, die sollen sich nun auf menschlichem Level bewegen.

No, that’s right, Astra in integrated products. Thanks to Gemini support, there is no caption, Google knows how to intelligently explain Brillen an, die damit ausgestattet werden sollen. Sleep soll also bald das erste Testprogramm anlaufen. Astra allgemein findet sich ebenfalls noch in einer Testphase, derzeit erweitert Google aber den Personenkreis, der darauf zugreifen kann.

Bei den Brillen bahnt sich also ein Wettbewerb mit Meta an. Konzern arrived in September with the Orion project, a first holographic AR projector.

First virtual world, then Robotik

Bei Project Mariner now takes care of an agent in a frühen training stadium, so that it is also possible to work on the subject, looking for images on the browser. When the nuts are removed, they should be left behind. Mariner can also navigate within browsers, but this is not what Google introduces in terms of language and definition. The man erwartet aber schnelle Fortschritte.

Google is also available here directly with Anthropic. KI employees need to prepare a system for a woman and the computer can do it.

Google KI-Tochter DeepMind works with many agent systems. A Gemini 2.0 base agent has been created to create images and provide practical gaming advice. Google presents the function from the title as Clash of Clans. More companies are working on this theme, Microsoft is jumping into Minecraft and bringing the functionality like Copilot Vision to the market.

It is interesting how DeepMind develops this system to be able to do this. Erfahrungen aus virtualn Welten sollen demnach helfen, um die Modelle auf die echte Welt vorzubereiten. Gemini 2.0 will also be available as part of the Robotik eingesetzt project. And this system is now in a frühen stage.