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Investment bank in Switzerland: JP Morgan wittert Morgenluft

Investment bank in Switzerland: JP Morgan wittert Morgenluft

The largest income of the American bank is the fact that the stock exchange operations and other transaction markets of Swiss companies will take place in 2025. The work of Credit Suisse as an actor for the cessation of activities of Australian banks, according to Reinout Böttcher, head of Swiss investment banking, in the management of

Investment Banker is noted Optimisten and Gerne in Schwärmen, when it is safe to do so, in the middle of a study of potential development potentials and the possibility of exploiting them.

Das liegt daran, dass in dieser Disziplin primär der Deal zählt, weil nur dieser Einnahmen bringt – also die Finanzierung et Begleitung von Unternehmensfusionen und -übernahmen (mergers and acquisitions, M&A), Börsengängen (initial public offering, IPO), Anleihenemissionen et other Capitalmarkttransaktionen.

Reinout BöttcherSenior Country Officer and CEO of the Schweizer Investment-Banking-Geschäfts bei JP Morgan, tanzt jedoch ein bisschen aus derihe, indem er für das nächste Jahr nur vorsichtig optimistisch ist, wie sich im Gespräch mit herausstellt.

Companies are able to go to the Equity Capital Markets (ECM) segment, as part of the broader global offering of beach and everything that is economically relevant, but also the glamor side of DCM-Sparte (Debt Capital Markets), and in the M&A company. .

2024 didn’t happen, it was closer to the hat

“Anfang 2024 will be for IPO and other ECM transactions such as mergers and acquisitions will take place very soon – in that year, Swiss stockbroking companies, but also commercial transaction companies, said,” Böttcher said. “The financial situation of mergers and acquisitions with the failed companies is so promising that it supports the financial prospects of the research company to establish factories for a prosperous market.”

If you want to know what time it is, you will be able to find out more Level 2024 quickly and easily. “The M&A pipeline is well designed and the Zinsumfeld is well constructed. You will be able to find out more about the dynamism.”

Pulsierendes Anleihengeschäft mit Schweizer Unternehmen

Trotz der Herausforderungen en 2024 war n’est pas comme, dass Böttcher et sein etwa un Dutzend Mitarbeiter, die in der Schweiz für den US-Finanzriesen im Investment Banking tätig sind, in den vergangenen zwölf Monate lediglich mit Beobachten and Analysieren beschäftigt waren.

Im Gegenteil.“The DCM-Geschäft ist sehr gut gelaufen”, consultant Böttcher, which took place more than 20 years ago for UBS Investment Banking, before 2021, for a new foreign research firm . JP Morgan is not in the free trade market, supporting Swiss companies, when the country of Australia is in charge of foreign exchange operations aufnehmen wollen.

Rückkehr Sunrises and die Börse eskortiert

The list of Swiss companies and financial institutes, until 2024, with the resources of the market capitalization of the largest bank in the world in the time of the euro or the dollar, is unique. They are held by Glencore, Roche, Novartis, Nestlé, ABB and Lonza by Raiffeisen with Swiss Life up to Zurich.

The DCM-Geschäft and M&A-Mandaten team led the Deal-Aktivität auf Trabhielten team, and JP Morgan decided to launch the spin-off Sunrises from Liberty Global and the Rückkehr of telecommunications services and the stock exchange.

Global Knowhow, a rigorous balance sheet and great liquidity

In all these activities, the American bank can enjoy a day of profit, because it is also long in Switzerland with a single personal gift (it took place after 60 years of jubilee) and daher mit den Verhältnissen vor ort gut vertraut ist .

Zum anderen brings the JP Morgan reiche international Erfahrung mit. “We know the global capital market, but also the global local company sehr gut. “We have a strong balance sheet and a long-term liquidity, which is an advantage in investment banking,” said Böttcher.

Bescheidener direkter CS-Effect

And there is also a month in Interviews im Zusammenhang mit dem Schweizer Firmenkundengeschäft fast schon obligate Frage, where the impact of the activity of Credit Suisse as an actor auf den Markt ausübe, beantwortet er mit Zurückhaltung.

“Der direkte Effekt ist bescheiden, weil verschiedene Vertragsbeziehungen zwischen den Banken et Unternehmen über mehrere Jahre laufen et entsprechend langfristig binden.” The most active international banks, such as JP Morgan, complement UBS. “Aber es zeigt sich schon, dass Firmen auch gegenüber nichtschweizerischen Banken offener geworden sind, weil sie nicht nur von einer Gegenpartei abhängig sein wollen.”

Lichtblick für Schweizer Unternehmen

Böttcher ensured that the dynamics and promotion of American political society were increasingly carried out on other continents. “Vor german in der Industrie ist in Europa die Stimmung gedämpft.”

There is also a lichtblick: “Old Swiss companies are international and often found in their market segments. We will strive to create a positive momentum that will act in the United States, but also in other areas of the world, Europe will collapse in this way.” A company in the European economy offers significant opportunities and potential – “very soon this year”.

“Positive Momentum”, “Opportunities” and “grosses Potenzial” – the Böttcher fell into the classic Muster of investment bankers, the Grundsätzlich mit Zuversicht et Optimismus in den Zukunft blickt and not the durchhaus vorhandenen Faktoren bent, die dafür I will soon start investing in investment banking during the Bäume until 2025, not in the sky.