
Mondor Festival

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Bitas Reise: A trip to La-Plata-Delfin in Uruguay

Bitas Reise: A trip to La-Plata-Delfin in Uruguay

One of the best-known things about the world’s Dolphins is auf dem Weg der Besserung

Rio Grande, Brazil – La Plata-Delfin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, providing an in-depth focus for this artist’s research. On November 9, 2024, a new La-Coronilla-Delfin web group arrived on the beach in La Coronilla, Uruguay and was funded. Sie war erst wenige Tage alt et in einem kritischen Zustand. This is a bit of a symbol and is a symbol for wide-ranging conditions and environmental protection.

Gallery 1 here

La-Coronilla-Delfine’s retirement is not within the scope of this art, but it is also for little Wale and Delfine in the entire development company. This takeover company is a practical training company, which takes care of planning protocols, management and business management, the other Arten Klein Wale and Delfine who take care of us. These measures aim to provide a comprehensive range of protection strategies and technical assistance for experienced individuals.

Erste Behandlung

Bita was first created in Karumbé, in a renowned rehabilitation center in Uruguay, to make everyone feel good with children’s children. The Alliance for Franciscan Dolphin Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation (AFCR3) is coordinated by a rehabilitation project and support to experts, levels and free wills of South America. The adventures of Yaqu Pacha – Uruguay and RENACE accompany, of Fachwissen and Engagement an entscheidende Rolle dabei spielten, sicherzustellen, dass Bita in these frühen Phasen ihrer Genesung die dringend benötigte Pflege erhielt.

Fachkundige Pflege und international Zusammenarbeit

Dr Aricia Duarte Benvenuto (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Dr Jenny Meegan (National Marine Mammal Foundation, USA) followed the rehabilitation program for Bita. Fast 20 is involved in Freiwillige, mainly in Uruguay, but also in Brazil and Argentina, to support the Tierärzte bei der Rund-um-die-Uhr-Betreuung.

New intensive care services Bita nach CRAM-FURG, a rehabilitation center from Rio Grande, Brazil, transported, for its own expertise in rehabilitation of Meeressäugern bekannt ist. Safe travel is ensured by easy planning, security and comfortable living for leisure. Bita wurde in einem speziell entwickelten Wasserbecken transportiert et blieb thanks to the sorgfältigen Behandlung durch das Team während des gesamten Transports ruhig.

The Franciscan Dolphin Conservation Alliance is led by Dr. Kyle Ross, a marine transportation specialist specializing in shipping, by the National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) with. With wholesale assistance from the NMMF and Dolphin Quest, Dr. Ross and Dr. Benvenuto take care of Bita’s learning during the trip. Dr. Jenny Meegan from the United States is in constant contact with Dr. Duarte Benvenuto and Dr. Ross, who followed the three management processes and coordinated them to ensure Bita’s safety and security.

Specialized projects for a Delphin employee

Bitas Rehabilitation erfordert high specialized and continuous Pflege, da neugeborene Delfine extrem empfindlich sind. If you have a large bottle of Delfin-Zoologic-Milchformel, then you have a probe that also has a bottle and a saucepan that is verabreicht. So we are sure that you are up to your region and your genetics notwendigen Nährstoffe erhält. Darüber hinaus wird sie rund um die Uhr vom Tierärzteteam et von Freiwilligen überwacht, um ihre Flüssigkeitszufuhr, ihr Verhalten et ihren allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand zu controls. This question of improving the environment is a bit like the best experiment and the best genetics for the future.

A great reading tool

Dr. Jenny Meegan also read about Bitas Reise:
I started the Anfang War and also started with the adoption of the protocol for the rehabilitation of the new Franciscans-Delphines. There are therefore a lot of rehabilitations towards sub-names, and it is unglaublich befriedigend zu sehen, because our bemühungen nicht umsonst waren. This is a perfect example for you to analyze falling errors to help you check and solve your learning problems. Jeder Fall learned to be new and to help us, den Weg für bessere Ergebnisse in der Zukunft zu ebnen. It’s big no matter what you do and you will learn. It is so austere and wider and we are at your disposal for this very effective use.

Dr. Aricia Duarte Benvenuto said:
This is a lackluster operation, 24 hours a day with Bita zu verbringen and your Pflege zu geben, die sie braucht. If the Rehabilitation program is not in progress, it may also be unscheduled for the Zukunft. The Wissen, who gave us our Pflege gewonnen, is our Fähigkeit, anderen gestrandeten Delfinen zu helfen, erheblich verbessern et the Schutzbemühungen für cese dur gefährdete Art optimieren.

A new chapter at CRAM-FURG

In your new home in CRAM-FURG, Bita nun und um die Uhr von engagierten Team aus Tierärzten und Freiwilligen versorgt. Dies ist a bedeutender Meilenstein auf ihrem Weg der Genesung, der die Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Organisationen ermöglicht wurde.

The Education Alliance of the Franciscana-Delfine under the leadership of YAQU PACHA, the Tiergarten Nürnberg, the NMMF and the Dolphin Quest war in the entire phase of Bitas Rettung and Rehabilitation was established. These organizations work together and take care of a long plan of struggle for their planning and verification of their options, which allow them to live in the forefront and take care of the necessary measures for the organization of the Franciscan-Delfinian art.

Dr. Lauro Barcelos, director of CRAM-FURG, responsible for Bitas rehabilitation:
We will do it, the Council of the Alliance for Education, Retirement and Rehabilitation of La-Plata-Delfins inside and the next chapter in Bitas Genesung aufzuschlagen. Die von Karumbé began außergewöhnliche Arbeit hat den Grundstein für ihre Pflege gelegt, et wir sind fest entschlossen, ce großartige Arbeit hier beii CRAM-FURG forttzusetzen. It’s a privilege, zur Erhaltung der Franziskaner-Sotalia beizutragen.

National support

Efficient transportation was ensured by the elusive leadership of the National Directorate of Water Sources in Uruguay, ministries around the world and the Brazilian ministries of IBAMA, ICMBio, MAPA and Federal Reception. Their increased responsibilities in the description of the documentation provided are those of in-depth implementation and their commitment is effective work.

A common reading

Dr Lorenzo von Fersen (YAQU PACHA and Tiergarten Nürnberg) is on behalf of the association Allianz die Bedeutung von Bitas Reise:
This is a unique moment for the Allianz and the times, the Ausdauer, the founding midwife of the Ansätze and for all efforts to be made between our two armies and their uncontrollable commitment der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind. We are best for big business and business management company. Bitas Fall beweist, dass wir gemeinsam außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse für den Schutz dieser vom Aussterben bedrohten Art erzielen können“.

We will work on the little Bite of Daumen and we will do everything for you, all the good things in your way. Danke an die Retter und die Pfleger – toller Job. Sobald wir neues von Bita erfahren, werden wir die hier veröffentlichen.